This Ruby library can be used to consume tweets from Twitter's Streaming API.
As an example, you can use this library to get all public tweets containing 'football' in real-time. Note that the streaming API only provides tweets which are being tweeted as of that time. It does not return historical data.
The library uses EventMachine under the hood for connection handling according to Twitter's reconnection guidelines.
This library isn't available as a Ruby gem yet. You can however clone this Git repository to try this out!
You will need to generate OAuth tokens for your Twitter application in order to use this library. Instructions for the same are available here.
You will need to install the following gems to use this library:
gem install simple_oauth
gem install eventmachine
gem install http_parser.rb
Here is some sample code to stream all tweets containing football in real time (The same code is available in example.rb in this repository)
lib_path = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'lib/'))
$LOAD_PATH.unshift lib_path
TWITTER_API_REQUEST_PATH = '/1.1/statuses/filter.json'
# OAuth Credentials
# Condition to filter the tweets on. You can specify multiple
# keywords separated by commas here.
TWEET_FILTER = 'track=football'
require 'twitter-streaming'
EventMachine::run {
connection = TwitterStreaming::StreamingConnection.start(
:oauth => { :consumer_key => CONSUMER_KEY, :consumer_secret => CONSUMER_SECRET, :access_key => ACCESS_TOKEN, :access_secret => ACCESS_SECRET},
:query_params => TWEET_FILTER
connection.on_each_tweet do |item|
puts "Received following tweet from Twitter:"
puts item
connection.on_connection_success do |status_code|
puts "Successful Connection: #{status_code}"
connection.on_connection_error do |status_code|
puts "Error in connection: #{status_code}"
connection.on_scheduled_reconnect do |timeout|
puts "Reconnecting in: #{timeout} seconds"
connection.on_max_reconnects_reached do
puts "Connection halted due to max reconnects reached."```
connection.on_no_data_received do
puts "No data received in the last 90 seconds. Attempting reconnect."
trap('TERM') {
EventMachine.stop if EventMachine.reactor_running?