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Components Overview

Accordion Component

The Accordion component allows users to expand or collapse multiple items. It supports both single and multiple selections.

  • Features:
    • Single selection mode: Users can select only one item at a time.
    • Multiple selection mode: Users can select multiple items simultaneously.

Modal Component

The Modal component provides a customizable popup modal dialog for displaying information or prompting user interaction.

  • Features:
    • Customizable header, body, and footer sections.
    • Toggle functionality to open and close the modal popup.

Tabs Component

The Tabs component organizes content into separate tabs, allowing users to switch between different sections of content.

  • Features:
    • Supports multiple tabs with customizable labels and content.
    • Provides callback function to handle tab change events.

Github Profile Finder Component

The Github Profile Finder component enables users to search for GitHub profiles by username and displays the profile information.

  • Features:
    • Fetches user data from the GitHub API based on the entered username.
    • Displays user information such as name, bio, avatar, etc.

Image Slider Component

The Image Slider component allows users to view a slideshow of images with navigation controls for moving between slides.

  • Features:
    • Supports navigation buttons for moving to the previous or next image.
    • Provides indicators to show the current slide position.

Light and Dark Mode Component

The Light and Dark Mode component toggles between light and dark themes for the application interface.

  • Features:
    • Uses local storage to persist the selected theme preference.
    • Provides a button to switch between light and dark modes.

QR Code Generator Component

The QR Code Generator component generates QR codes based on user input and displays them on the screen.

  • Features:
    • Allows users to input text or data to generate QR codes.
    • Generates QR codes in real-time as the input changes.

Random Color Generator Component

The Random Color Generator component creates random colors in either HEX or RGB format.

  • Features:
    • Supports generation of random colors in HEX or RGB format.
    • Provides buttons to switch between HEX and RGB color modes.

Scrollbar Component

The Scrollbar component displays a custom scrollbar and loads data dynamically as the user scrolls.

  • Features:
    • Dynamically loads data as the user scrolls through the content.
    • Displays a custom scroll progress indicator.

Search Autocomplete Component

The Search Autocomplete component provides an autocomplete feature for searching user names.

  • Features:
    • Fetches a list of user names from an API endpoint.
    • Provides suggestions as the user types in the search input.

Star Rating Component

The Star Rating component allows users to rate items by clicking on stars to select a rating.

  • Features:
    • Supports customizable number of stars for rating.
    • Updates the rating based on user interactions with the stars.


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