The Accordion component allows users to expand or collapse multiple items. It supports both single and multiple selections.
- Features:
- Single selection mode: Users can select only one item at a time.
- Multiple selection mode: Users can select multiple items simultaneously.
The Modal component provides a customizable popup modal dialog for displaying information or prompting user interaction.
- Features:
- Customizable header, body, and footer sections.
- Toggle functionality to open and close the modal popup.
The Tabs component organizes content into separate tabs, allowing users to switch between different sections of content.
- Features:
- Supports multiple tabs with customizable labels and content.
- Provides callback function to handle tab change events.
The Github Profile Finder component enables users to search for GitHub profiles by username and displays the profile information.
- Features:
- Fetches user data from the GitHub API based on the entered username.
- Displays user information such as name, bio, avatar, etc.
The Image Slider component allows users to view a slideshow of images with navigation controls for moving between slides.
- Features:
- Supports navigation buttons for moving to the previous or next image.
- Provides indicators to show the current slide position.
The Light and Dark Mode component toggles between light and dark themes for the application interface.
- Features:
- Uses local storage to persist the selected theme preference.
- Provides a button to switch between light and dark modes.
The QR Code Generator component generates QR codes based on user input and displays them on the screen.
- Features:
- Allows users to input text or data to generate QR codes.
- Generates QR codes in real-time as the input changes.
The Random Color Generator component creates random colors in either HEX or RGB format.
- Features:
- Supports generation of random colors in HEX or RGB format.
- Provides buttons to switch between HEX and RGB color modes.
The Scrollbar component displays a custom scrollbar and loads data dynamically as the user scrolls.
- Features:
- Dynamically loads data as the user scrolls through the content.
- Displays a custom scroll progress indicator.
The Search Autocomplete component provides an autocomplete feature for searching user names.
- Features:
- Fetches a list of user names from an API endpoint.
- Provides suggestions as the user types in the search input.
The Star Rating component allows users to rate items by clicking on stars to select a rating.
- Features:
- Supports customizable number of stars for rating.
- Updates the rating based on user interactions with the stars.