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More special functions improvements (dotnet#254)
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Removed c_digamma_small case from MMath.Digamma
Added tests for MMath.GammaLnSeries and XMinusLog1Plus
GenerateSeries also generates error bounds
Added CheckMathLibraries
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tminka committed Aug 24, 2020
1 parent bce63e8 commit 47976a0
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Showing 11 changed files with 421 additions and 217 deletions.
219 changes: 121 additions & 98 deletions src/Runtime/Core/Maths/SpecialFunctions.cs

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127 changes: 127 additions & 0 deletions src/Tools/PythonScripts/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
# Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
# The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
# See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
import os
import csv
import math
from scipy import special
from numpy import nan
from mpmath import fp

math_pair_info = {
'Erfc.csv': math.erfc,
'ExpMinus1.csv': math.expm1,
'Gamma.csv': math.gamma,
'GammaLn.csv': math.lgamma,
'Log1Plus.csv': math.log1p,

scipy_pair_info = {
'BesselI.csv': special.iv,
'BetaCdf.csv': lambda x,a,b: special.btdtr(a,b,x),
'Digamma.csv': special.digamma,
'Erfc.csv': special.erfc,
'ExpMinus1.csv': special.expm1,
#'ExpMinus1RatioMinus1RatioMinusHalf.csv': lambda x: ((exp(x) - 1) / x - 1) / x - 0.5 if x != mpf(0) else mpf(0),
'Gamma.csv': special.gamma,
'GammaLn.csv': special.gammaln,
'GammaLower.csv': special.gammainc,
#'GammaUpper.csv': special.gammaincc,
'GammaUpperRegularized.csv': special.gammaincc,
#'GammaUpperScale.csv' : lambda s, x: x ** s * exp(-x) / gamma(s),
#'Log1MinusExp.csv': lambda x: log(1 - exp(x)),
'Log1Plus.csv': special.log1p,
#'LogExpMinus1.csv': lambda x: log(exp(x) - 1),
#'Logistic.csv': lambda x: 1 / (1 + exp(-x)),
#'logisticGaussian.csv': logistic_gaussian,
#'logisticGaussianDeriv.csv': logistic_gaussian_deriv,
#'logisticGaussianDeriv2.csv': logistic_gaussian_deriv2,
#'LogisticLn.csv': lambda x: -log(1 + exp(-x)),
'LogSumExp.csv': lambda x, y: special.logsumexp([x,y]),
#'NormalCdf.csv': ncdf,
#'NormalCdf2.csv': normal_cdf2,
#'NormalCdfIntegral.csv': normal_cdf_integral,
#'NormalCdfIntegralRatio.csv': normal_cdf_integral_ratio,
#'NormalCdfInv.csv': lambda x: -sqrt(mpf(2)) * erfinv(1 - 2 * x),
'NormalCdfLn.csv': special.log_ndtr,
#'NormalCdfLn2.csv': normal_cdf2_ln,
#'NormalCdfLogit.csv': lambda x: log(ncdf(x)) - log(ncdf(-x)),
#'NormalCdfMomentRatio.csv': normal_cdf_moment_ratio,
#'NormalCdfRatioLn2.csv': normal_cdf2_ratio_ln,
'Tetragamma.csv': lambda x: special.polygamma(2, x),
'Trigamma.csv': lambda x: special.polygamma(1, x),

def beta_cdf(x, a, b):
if x <= 0:
return 0
if x >= 1:
return 1
return fp.betainc(a, b, 0, x, regularized=True)

mpmath_pair_info = {
'BesselI.csv': fp.besseli,
'BetaCdf.csv': beta_cdf,
'Digamma.csv': fp.digamma,
'Erfc.csv': fp.erfc,
'ExpMinus1.csv': fp.expm1,
'Gamma.csv': fp.gamma,
'GammaLn.csv': fp.loggamma,
'GammaLower.csv': lambda s, x: fp.gammainc(s, 0, x, regularized=True),
'GammaUpper.csv': lambda s, x: fp.gammainc(s, x, math.inf),
'GammaUpperRegularized.csv': lambda s, x: fp.gammainc(s, x, math.inf, regularized=True),
'Log1Plus.csv': fp.log1p,
'NormalCdf.csv': fp.ncdf,
'Tetragamma.csv': lambda x: fp.polygamma(2, x),
'Trigamma.csv': lambda x: fp.polygamma(1, x),

pair_infos = {
'math': math_pair_info,
'scipy': scipy_pair_info,
'mpmath': mpmath_pair_info,

def readrows(path):
rows = []
with open(path) as csvfile:
reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile, delimiter=',')
fieldnames = reader.fieldnames
arg_count = len(fieldnames) - 1
for row in reader:
args = []
for i in range(arg_count):
result_in_file = float(row['expectedresult'])
rows.append([args, result_in_file])
return rows

dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), '..', '..', '..', 'test', 'Tests', 'data', 'SpecialFunctionsValues')
with os.scandir(dir) as it:
for entry in it:
if'.csv') and entry.is_file():
print(f'Processing {}...')
rows = readrows(entry.path)
for libname in pair_infos:
pair_info = pair_infos[libname]
if not in pair_info.keys() or pair_info[] == None:
#print("Don't know how to process. Skipping.")
f = pair_info[]
for row in rows:
args = row[0]
result_in_file = row[1]
result = f(*args)
result = nan
if math.isnan(result) and math.isnan(result_in_file):
err = 0
elif result == result_in_file: # avoid subtracting infinities
err = 0
err = abs(result - result_in_file)/(abs(result_in_file) + 1e-100)
if err > 1e-13 or math.isnan(err):
print(f'{libname} {}{args}\t wrong by {err}')

13 changes: 7 additions & 6 deletions src/Tools/PythonScripts/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
This scripts looks for .csv files in /test/Tests/Data/SpecialFunctionsValues.
These files are expected to contain sets of arguments and expected result values
for some special functions.
Whenever the script encounters a file for which it has a defined funtion,
Whenever the script encounters a file for which it has a defined function,
it evaluates that function for every set of arguments present in that file
and replaces the expected result in the file with the one it computed,
except for Infinite or NaN results, which are preserved.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -298,16 +298,17 @@ def beta_cdf(x, a, b):
'BetaCdf.csv': beta_cdf,
'Digamma.csv': digamma,
'Erfc.csv': erfc,
'ExpMinus1.csv': lambda x: exp(x) - 1,
'ExpMinus1.csv': expm1,
'ExpMinus1RatioMinus1RatioMinusHalf.csv': lambda x: ((exp(x) - 1) / x - 1) / x - 0.5 if x != mpf(0) else mpf(0),
'Gamma.csv': gamma,
'GammaLn.csv': loggamma,
'GammaLower.csv': lambda s, x: gammainc(s, 0, x) / gamma(s) if s != inf else mpf(0),
'GammaLnSeries.csv': lambda x: loggamma(x) - (x-0.5)*log(x) + x - 0.5*log(2*pi),
'GammaLower.csv': lambda s, x: gammainc(s, 0, x, regularized=True) if s != inf else mpf(0),
'GammaUpper.csv': lambda s, x: gammainc(s, x, inf),
'GammaUpperRegularized.csv': lambda s, x: gammainc(s, x, inf) / gamma(s) if s != inf else mpf(1),
'GammaUpperRegularized.csv': lambda s, x: gammainc(s, x, inf, regularized=True) if s != inf else mpf(1),
'GammaUpperScale.csv' : lambda s, x: x ** s * exp(-x) / gamma(s),
'Log1MinusExp.csv': lambda x: log(1 - exp(x)),
'Log1Plus.csv': lambda x: log(1 + x),
'Log1Plus.csv': log1p,
'LogExpMinus1.csv': lambda x: log(exp(x) - 1),
'Logistic.csv': lambda x: 1 / (1 + exp(-x)),
'logisticGaussian.csv': logistic_gaussian,
Expand All @@ -327,7 +328,7 @@ def beta_cdf(x, a, b):
'NormalCdfRatioLn2.csv': normal_cdf2_ratio_ln,
'Tetragamma.csv': lambda x: polygamma(2, x),
'Trigamma.csv': lambda x: polygamma(1, x),
'ulp.csv': None
'XMinusLog1Plus.csv': lambda x: x - log(1+x),

def float_str_csharp_to_python(s):
Expand Down

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