Packer templates for Vagrant base boxes
Clone the repository:
$ git clone && cd packer-templates
Build a machine image from the template in the repository:
$ packer build -only=virtualbox-iso archlinux-x86_64.json
Add the built box to Vagrant:
$ vagrant box add archlinux-x86_64
You can configure each template to match your requirements by setting the following user variables.
User Variable | Default Value | Description |
compression_level |
6 | Documentation |
cpus |
1 | Number of CPUs |
disk_size |
40000 | Documentation |
headless |
0 | Documentation |
memory |
512 | Memory size in MB |
mirror |
A URL of the mirror where the ISO image is available |
Build an uncompressed Arch Linux vagrant box with a 4GB hard disk using the VirtualBox provider:
$ packer build -only=virtualbox-iso -var compression_level=0 -var disk_size=4000 archlinux-x86_64.json
You can also use the pre-built boxes hosted on Atlas.
$ vagrant box add kaorimatz/archlinux-x86_64