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Need to sort a table? Why not sortberg?

sortberg is a very simple jquery plugin for sorting tables. It automatically selects the appropriate sorting method (either string or number comparison).


Add the javascript files

<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-1.8.2.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.sortberg.js"></script>

Create a table


Enable sortberg


Clicking the headers changes the sorting and adds the css class sort-desc or sort-asc depending on the current sorting.

Grouping example

By giving rows a special ("details" by default) class they can be marked as "belonging" to the previous row. When sorting, these special rows will stay below their original row

		<tr><td>Alice</td><td>+1 234-567-8901</td></tr>
		<tr class="details"><td colspan="2">Only available from 9-5</td></tr>
		<tr><td>Bob</td><td>+1 987-654-3210</td></tr>
		<tr class="details"><td colspan="2">Leave me a voice mail!</td></tr>

Clicking the name header will sort the table and make sure the notes below Alice and Bob will stay where they should. The class name can be changed by supplying a groupClass parameter.

$('table').sortberg({groupClass: 'someclass'});

Custom sorting

A custom comparator function can be specified to use instead of the built-in numeric and alphabetic sorters.

var myComparator = function(a, b)
	return $(a).data('specialdata') - $(b).data('specialdata');
$('table').sortberg({comparator: myComparator});

Case-insensitive sorting

When sorting text, the comparison is case-sensitive by default. This can be disabled using the ignoreCase option.

$('table').sortberg({ignoreCase: true});

Alternative sorting value

Instead of using the value of the table cell to sort on, an alternative value can be specified using the data-sort-value attribute. This makes it easier to work with table that contain data that contains non-numeric characters.

		<tr><td>Chocolate</td><td data-sort-value="4">$4</td></tr>
		<tr><td>Wine</td><td data-sort-value="12">$12</td></tr>
		<tr><td>Candle</td><td data-sort-value="2">$2</td></tr>


Simple jquery plugin for sorting tables







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