KaraCos-NoCR-MongoDB is a content repository implementing the NoCR API, a JCR close, but asynchronous content repository API.
You only need nodejs and npm to start using nocr-mongo in you project.
npm install nocr-mongo
var nocrMongo = require('nocr-mongo');
Repository = new nocrMongo.Repository({
db: {
dbname: "my_mongo_db_name", // creates the db if not already exists
dbhost: "", // default mongodb if you have it installed locally
dbport: 27017 // default mongodb port
}, function(err, repository) {
// login with default username and password (nocr-mongo doesn't provices yet a way to change this.
repository.login({'username': "admin", 'password': "demo"}, function(err, session) {
// you may use the session object as describes in NoCR API
session.getRootNode(function(err, rootNode) {
rootNode.addNode('myNode', 'nt:undefined', function(err, myNode) {
myNode.setProperty("myproperty", "mavaleur", function(err, myProperty){
//do whatever you want with property, or something else.
session.save(); //persist data and indexes in mongodb
cd nocr-mongo
npm link
vows test/testSuite.js --spec