Full Curriculum Outline | Nanodegree Outlines | FAQ / Resources | Notes | Source
The sections below include all of Udacity's Android-related courses, including their Android Basics & Android Developer Nanodegree material.
The complete course list is presently lacking a linear curriculum, so this reference aims to provide a clear, easy to follow path based on each course's prerequisites. The course order in the "Full Curriculum" sections is structured so that inidividuals with no prior programming experience can work through them from start to finish.
All of the courses can be taken for free; although the paid Nanodegree programs do offer additional benefits.
Level | Group | Course | Length | Projects |
Beginner | Core | UI Design ☆¹ | 4 Weeks | Birthday Card, Business Info |
Beginner | Core | User Input ☆¹ | 4 Weeks | Coffee Ordering App, Score Tracker, Quiz App |
Beginner | Core | Multi-Screen Apps ☆¹ | 8 Weeks | Language Learning App, Tour Guide App |
Beginner | Core | Networking ☆¹ | 5 Weeks | Book List, News Reader |
Beginner | Core | Data Storage ☆¹ | 8 Weeks | Pet Database |
Beginner | Core | UI Components | 4 Weeks | Build Your Own App |
Beginner | Core | UX Design | 6 Weeks | Build a User-Targeted App |
Intermediate | Core | App Development Ⅰ ☆² | 10 Weeks | Popular Movies, Weather, Build Your Own App |
Intermediate | Core | Material Design ☆² | 4 Weeks | Apply Material Design to News Reader |
Intermediate | Services | Sign-In & Profiles | 2 Weeks | |
Intermediate | Services | Maps | 2 Weeks | |
Intermediate | Services | Location & Context | 2 Weeks | |
Intermediate | Services | Analytics | 2 Weeks | |
Intermediate | Services | Ads | 2 Weeks | |
Intermediate | Games | Game Design Ⅰ | 8 Weeks | Breakout Clone |
Intermediate | Games | Game Design Ⅱ | 8 Weeks | MegaMan Clone |
Advanced | Core | App Development Ⅱ ☆² | 6 Weeks | Stock Tracker |
Advanced | Core | Optimizing App Performance | 4 Weeks | |
Advanced | Core | Firebase | 8 Weeks | |
Advanced | Core | Gradle ☆² | 6 Weeks | Joke Teller |
Advanced | Core | Developing Scalable Apps | 8 Weeks | |
Advanced | Platforms | Android TV & Google Cast | 1 Week | |
Advanced | Platforms | Android Wear ☆² | 2 Weeks | Create Wear Interface for Weather App |
Advanced | Platforms | Android Auto | 1 Week |
* Courses that are followed by ☆¹ are part of the Android Basics Nanodegree program.
* Courses that are followed by ☆² are part of the Android Developer Nanodegree program.
* Course lengths are based on Udacity's presumed allocation of 6 hours per week.
Skill Level:
Entering students should be motivated to learn and be comfortable with basic computer skills like managing files, navigating the Internet and running programs.
UI Design
User Input
Multi-Screen Apps
Data Storage
Skill Level:
Entering students are expected to have prior experience building applications (web or mobile)
You should have at least 1-2 years of experience in Java or another object-oriented programming language prior to enrolling.
App Development Ⅰ
App Development Ⅱ
Material Design
Android Wear
Is there any kind of support network available for the courses?
Are Nanodegree projects & lessons included in the free courses?
How do the Nanodegree programs work?
Yes. Udacity offers official course forums that are accessible to all students ( both free & paid ).
Additionally, students enrolled in the paid Nanodegree programs will be given access to an exclusive Slack network. Nanodegree students also have access to an optional UConnect program ( $99/month ), where they will receive additional support.
Yes. See this article on Udacity's support page.
Nanodegrees provide a curriculum which consists of multiple courses & various projects.
Some of the benefits include:
- a Google-accredited certificate of completion
- code reviews & guidance by Google-certified instructors
- access to a Nanodegree-exclusive Slack network
- guaranteed job eligibility ( Nanodegree Plus )
We built this program with Google specifically to support aspiring Android Developers with no programming experience. Our goal is to ensure you get the real-world skills you need to actually start building Android apps.
For intermediate Java developers pursuing Android specialization, this program teaches the tools, principles, and patterns that underlie all Android development. The skills you learn in this Nanodegree program will help you master the existing platform, and prepare you for the exciting opportunities in Android's future.
We built this Nanodegree program in partnership with Google specifically to support aspiring Android Developers. The curriculum is designed to transform those with intermediate skills and a working knowledge of Java development best practices into specialists with the Android platform. Successful completion of the program means a diverse portfolio of projects to show employers, an established credential to affirm your achievements, and your own app on the Google Play Store. If your goal is employment as an Android Developer, this program is exactly what you need to succeed.
See this article on Udacity's blog for more information.
According to Udacity's blog, you can work through the course material for free, and then go back & complete the actual Nanodegree program in 2 months ( the minimum enrollment period ).
Additionally, you have two options on how you could go about this:
Graduate in 12 months, get a 50% tuition refund
($199/month × 2) - 50% refund =
$199 total
Nanodegree Plus
Get hired or receive a full tuition refund
($299/month × 2) =
$598 total ( assuming you manage to find a job within 6 months of completing the program )
$0 total ( assuming you did not find a job, and meet the terms of the Nanodegree Plus program )
Course listings on this page were renamed to provide a context that shows course relationships.
The # Full Curriculum (Details)
section on the raw Markdown page can be used to reference actual course names.
If you want to check a specific course against the context-based names: the fastest way is probably to use your web browser's search function and paste the course name from the URL. For example, developing-android-apps
instead of Developing Android Apps
Several of the original course overviews are somewhat vague. Be aware that:
- Project lists are approximated. There might be some variance in actual projects per course.
- Some of the projects are not specific to a single course, and will be worked on several times throughout the entirety of the curriculum.
- I took a few liberties with the course & project names to provide concise, informative descriptions; while maintaining & interpreting the original contexts to the best of my ability.
Most of the details in the reference were taken directly from Udacity's web page. These details are potentially subject to change, so you should refer directly to the relevant Udacity pages to make sure that the listed information is still accurate. I especially recommend doing so if you plan on starting one of the paid Nanodegree programs based on the information provided here.