This project was a single day team project in which we built a meme making website. It uses images of our teachers at EDA and is meant in the kindest of ways to have fun and test our react knowledge.
- As a user I want to be able to make fresh memes with a collection of images alrady stored on a file. I want to make these memes on a website that I could show to anyone anywhere so my friends could see these amazing works of art. These memes will need to have text dislayed clearly over the image, along the bottom portion.
- I need to have a landing page with a title and a button that invites me to start making my meme dreams come true. This page will offer a link to the list/selection of images that will be the backdrop for the meme.
- When an image is clicked on it will become a large image taking up the majority of the screen. Above the image will be a text box(form) that I will type my funny text in, when I have finished typing I will click submit.
- The submit button on the text box(form) will send the text to the pre decided position on the image (bottom)
- I now have a extremely spicy fresh meme that is funny yet kind and I can save it as a pdf.
example of a meme
- I want to be able to share my new meme with friends, it is currently lockdown so I cannot go to their house and make it in front of them. Can I please have a way of sharing the url so that when my friend opens it on discord it produces the same meme.
- I would love to move the text from the bottom to another position say the top or middle, I would love a drop down selector to give me a choice.
- I want to change the colour of the text on the meme I make, I love the colour bisque!
To get started, clone this repo and then:
cd MKMKG_limited_org
npm install
npm start
You can find the server running on http://localhost:3000.
- Kahu
- Matt
- Gideon
- Michael
- Karishma
- Repo created MKMKG LIMITED ORG
- Working empty React App
- Start up the rocket boosters its launching
We will be creating seperate Git branches and creating the components as an individual task, we can definitely work together although this way we all take responsibility for the creation of a component.
Required Routes:
Home/welcoming route/path - '/'.
List of images route/path - '/imageSelection'.
Meme image and text box route/path - '/makeYourMeme/:Image'
optional as this could be the image and text with no text box displayed
Final meme displayed route/path - '/yourMeme'
Required components
Initial start meme button/ link on the home path -'/'
Image list/ grouping to select the backdrop of the meme on the - '/imageSelection' path
Home button/ a back button to return to the Image list. this will be on the - '/makeYourMeme' path
Text box which is a form with a submit button on the - '/makeYourMeme' path
Image that was selected from the images list. Displayed on the - '/makeYourMeme' path
Text inserted from the form that will be overlayed on the image. will be on the - '/makeYourMeme' path
screen shot the page as pdf button on the - '/makeYourMeme' path
If we decide to make a '/yourMeme' path this will display components image and text and back button as well as the save button.
- Options for a top and middle text placement with associated drop down selector button. This will be on the '/makeYourMeme' path
- Ability to share the text that is entered in the form with the url and have that also share with the text in the image. allowing a dynamic route that you could paste and would generate the final meme.
- Text colour selector button next to the location selection. On the - '/makeYourMeme' path
Create the JSON file as an array of objects each with an ID Name and File source. Alt text also to describe the image.
Get all the Components talking and exporting so that they show up where we want them.
We need to have the styling link up so the positions of the required components are in the correct locations.
We made it team!
Look at step 3 Stretch components and routes Attempt stretch goals based on the Product owners recommendation, If we have time lets push hard. Recommend now the MVP stay on master branch and we work on Dev so there is no final pressure to make sure app still works.
Lets present this amazing work and have friends try and make spicy memes together.