This README describes how to install and configure the Pivotal Plugins for New Relic. For convenenience, the procedure installs all plugins at once.
This procedure installs plugins that gather metrics about the following products and displays them in your New Relic dashboard:
- RabbitMQ: A protocol-based messaging solution designed for cloud computing and modern, widely distributed web applications. It is the de facto standard for cloud messaging and the leading implementer of Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP), an open-standards alternative to costly, proprietary commercial messaging technologies.
- vFabric Web Server: Web server and load-balancing component based on Apache HTTP Server.
- Redis: Redis is an open source, BSD licensed, advanced key-value store.
- The RabbitMQ Plugin now reports queue individual queue stats and a new Queues Dashboard has been introduced.
- The default verbose setting has been changed to 0 to reduce the output in log files.
- Redis plugin now supports passwords
- Ensure that Ruby (version 1.9.1 or later if using the RabbitMQ Plugin) is installed on the computer on which you will install the Pivotal Plugins for New Relic.
- Install the
Ruby gem. - Ensure that the computer on which you are installing the Pivotal plugins has network access to the computer on which the desired product to be monitored (such as RabbitMQ) is installed, or that both are installed on the same computer.
- For RabbitMQ Monitoring: Enable the RabbitMQ management plugins by executing the
rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_management
command. See Management Plugins. - For vFabric Web Server Monitoring: The vFabric Web Server monitoring module (mod_bmx) is enabled by default in a Web Server instance and allows access from
. If, however, the Web Server instance is on a remote machine, you will need to enable access. The default URL for BMX is http://localhost/bmx. See Configure BMX for Monitoring vFabric Web Server Instances.
Create a directory that will contain the Pivotal Plugins for New Relic.
Download the latest ZIP of the Pivotal Agent for New Relic from the tags section of and extract the contents into the directory you just created.
In the
directory, make a copy of thetemplate_newrelic_plugin.yml
file and name itnewrelic_plugin.yml
and replace the string YOUR_LICENSE_KEY_HERE with your New Relic license key. -
If you are installing the RabbitMQ plugin: In the same
file, set therabbitmq:management_api_url
property to your RabbitMQ management URL. The configuration file contains examples which are commented out. Different RabbitMQ version use different ports. -
If you are installing the vFabric Web Server plugin: In the
file, set the configuration properties for your Web Server instances, such as the host and port to which they are listening. The template shows how to configure multiple Web server instances. -
If you are using the Redis server monitoring plugin: In
file, set the configuration properties for your redis server. -
If you are only using one plugin in the agent make sure the unused plugin's configuration is commented out with # in front of the lines
Be sure to comment out configuration information for plugins that you are not installing from the
file. -
From the top-level directory, run the following commands:
$ bundle install $ ./pivotal_agent
After a brief period, the Pivotal Plugins will appear on the left of your New Relic dashboard.
Report any issues with these plugins with the Github issue tracker