How to resolve Route 53 private hosted zones from an on-premises network via an Ubuntu instance?
You can resolve domain names for private zones from your on-premises network by configuring a DNS redirector. The instructions assume that your on-premises network is configured using a VPN or AWS Direct Connect in AWS VPC and that a private Route 53 hosted zone is associated with this VPC.
- Based upon bind9 named
- Embed Prometheus bind exporter
- Forward incoming DNS requests to the AWS DNS of the VPC
- Self-discovery of VPN DNS by AWS metadata
Based on the dnsforwardaws from Cohesive Networks
- port 53 tcp and udp for bind9 named
- port 9153 tcp for Prometheus bind exporter
Because you cannot use aws metadata if the container is hosted on your localhost there is a workaround
- Curl call to metadata timeout after 30s
- If the variable for the VPN DNS ip adresse is empty by default is used
- Like this the bind start and the container is up
Ok this is not super clean