These Suishi cards are intended to be quick-start activities. I am using these in my Raspberry Pi themed CodeClub for Yrs 5-6 and at CoderDojo Ham
I will add extra sheets as and when I create them. Sheets marked as BETA are new and have not yet been fully tested in clubs/CoderDojo.
These are originally created using Omnigraffle Pro.
Most of the activities are remixs of ideas found elsewhere. In most cases I have just condensed them down into a single sheet to try to avoid 'computing by numbers'.
Some of the cards are available in two types: -half and -mini. This refers to the size of breadboard shown in the diagram.
All projects are designed for the model B but should work with B+ and Pi 2.
Most of the components used in the hardware projects acan be acquired fairly cheaply, especially if you're prepared to wait a while for shipping from China. I've put together a Pinterest Page that has links to some suggested places where the bits and bobs can be purchased. I cannot, of course offer any guarantee or promise that the products will always be available, be the cheapest or most reliable. YMMV.
##The following sheets are available:
- GettingStarted: a single page diagram of where all the cables and peripherals go on a Pi
- mallow: an annotated Fritzing diagram for a simple marshmallow squeezing game
- led-scratch: a breadboard project to light a single led using scratch (includes Fritzing diagram). 4.1 led-gpiozeroBETA: a breadboard project to light a single led using Python and GPIOZero 4.2 pwmled-gpiozeroBETA: Vary the brightness of an LED through PWM with GPIOZero 4.3 RGBLed-gpiozeroBETA: Control the colours of an RGB LED using GPIOZero
- running-python3: getting started with idle, intended for people who are new to Python
- reaction-gpiozerBETA: Add two button to the led from project 4/5 to create a simple recation time game. Scratch will detect who pushed their button first when the led lights up and display the winner. Also includes a (better) Python version.
- buzzerBIG-gpiozeroBETA: A simple circuit to make a piezo buzzer buzz. Uses both Scratch(which is only really capable of making the buzzer tick) and Python.
- alarm-gpiozeroBETA: Combine a cheap PIR sensor with the buzzer from project 7 to create a simple intruder alarm.
- minecraft_gold: Create a trail of golden blocks behind you.
- minecraft_tnt: Modify the property of a TNT block to prime it for explosion.
- minecraft_biggerboom: Set off an explosion in Minecraft with a real world button. Add a flshing LED and a buzzer for a more dramatic countdown to detonation.
- sevensegment: Control a seven segment led matrix.
- LDRLED-gpiozerBETA: Use a Light Dependent Resistor to turn on/off an LED.
- TrafficLights: Can you program a traffic leght sequence (challenge card)
- minecraft-frozen: create a freeze ray in minecraft and control its range with a variable resistor
- piglowV3: Use the PiGlow add-on board with Scratch and Python
- StepperBETA: Control a stepper motor through GPIOZero
- CodeBug: Use a tethered CodeBug
GPIO: a diagram of the GPIO pins for a model B, taken from the excellent Raspberry Pi documentation.
minecraftblocks: a list of the block types available in Minecraft Pi edition.
More information can be found on my blog.
I'll tweet about any updates Follow @rdhayler