This is a full-stack employee scheduling tool app, where the user can add their employees' names and work availabilities to a database and view a tale showing all employee availabilities. This app was designed to help managers of companies visualize their employee availabilities when scheduling work weeks.
This application was created using technologies such as:
- JavaScript
- Handlebars.js
- Sequelize
- Express-session
- Bootstrap
- Node.js
- MySQL2
- Dotenv
- Bcrypt
- Google Fonts
- Color-calendar npm package
- Screencastify
Some of the methods used in creating this application were found from resources such as W3Schools, MDN Web Docs, and Stack Overflow.
Link to Deployed App
Link to Demo Video
Link to GitHub Repository
Clone repo and npm i
This application is deployed on heroku, and can be reached here.
To begin, the user must first log in. If the user does not yet have an account, then they can click the sign up link at the bottom of the login page. Once at the sign up page, the user can enter their email and password to create an account.
Once a user is logged in, they can access the form page to enter an employee's first name, last name, and check the days that the employee will be unavailable to be scheduled. When this information is submitted, it is added to the database of employee availabilities.
When the user visits the availabilities page, the user can view a table showing the scheduling period and all employees' availabilities during the scheduling period.
Jae Ahn, Louis Karp, Tyler Bantley
Read about MIT License:
MIT License
Do not contribute.
Do not test.
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