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Process Control Simulations (PCS) for MATLAB

PCS is an open-source object-oriented library developed by Departamento de Informática y Automática at UNED, aiming to provide an easy-to-develop framework for process control simulations.

Table of Contents


This manual describes the use of Matlab-based simulation library PCS, which facilitates development of process control loops in networked and/or event-based environments.

Several tutorial examples are provided to show how to prepare reusable controllers and processes and perform continuous, periodic or event-triggered simulations.

This manual also includes a detailed API reference of the library with every package and its contents.

For questions and bug reports, please direct them to the issues page of the library.

Getting Started

Download the zip archive from PCS for MATLAB homepage. Then

  1. Extract all files to some suitable directory.
  2. Start MATLAB R2014a or higher and navigate to previous directory.
  3. Run install.m to add the necessary directories to the MATLAB path.

Using the Library

Tutorials are given in ascending difficulty order.

Development of a Quadruple-Tank Process

The following class represents the quadruple-tank process described here.

classdef QuadrupleTank < PCS.Process.Process
		a % Cross-sections of the outlets holes
		A % Cross-sections of the tanks
		g % Acceleration of gravity
		gamma % Positions of the valves
		k % Voltage to volumetric flow rate gains
		function self = QuadrupleTank(a, A, g, gamma, k)
			if ndims(a) ~= 2 || length(a) ~= 4
				error('Cross-sections of the outlets holes must be a vector of length 4.');
			if ndims(A) ~= 2 || length(A) ~= 4
				error('Cross-sections of the tanks must be a vector of length 4.');
			if ~isscalar(g)
				error('Acceleration of gravity must be a scalar.');
			if ndims(gamma) ~= 2 || length(gamma) ~= 2
				error('Positions of the valves must be a vector of length 2.');
			if ndims(k) ~= 2 || length(k) ~= 2
				error('Voltage to volumetric flow rate gains must be a vector of length 2.');
			self.a = a;
			self.A = A;
			self.g = g;
			self.gamma = gamma;
			self.k = k;
			self.n_inputs = 2;
			self.n_outputs = 2;
			self.n_states = 4;
		function dxdt = derivatives(self, t, x, u, ~, ~)
			dxdt = zeros(4, 1);
			xt = x(t);
			dxdt(1) = -self.a(1)/self.A(1)*sqrt(2*self.g*xt(1)) + self.a(3)/self.A(1)*sqrt(2*self.g*xt(3)) + self.gamma(1)*self.k(1)/self.A(1)*u(t,1);
            dxdt(2) = -self.a(2)/self.A(2)*sqrt(2*self.g*xt(2)) + self.a(4)/self.A(2)*sqrt(2*self.g*xt(4)) + self.gamma(2)*self.k(2)/self.A(2)*u(t,2);
            dxdt(3) = -self.a(3)/self.A(3)*sqrt(2*self.g*xt(3)) + (1-self.gamma(2))*self.k(2)/self.A(3)*u(t,2);
            dxdt(4) = -self.a(4)/self.A(4)*sqrt(2*self.g*xt(4)) + (1-self.gamma(1))*self.k(1)/self.A(4)*u(t,1);
		function y = outputs(self, t, x, u, ~, ~)
			y = x(t, [1 2]);

Development of a PI Controller

The following class represents a general PI controller.

classdef PI < PCS.Control.Controller
		K % Proportional gains
		Ti % Integral times
		function self = PI(K, Ti)
			if ndims(K) > 2
				error('Proportional gains must be a vector.');
			if ndims(Ti) > 2
				error('Integral times must be a vector.');
			if length(K) ~= length(Ti)
				error('The lengths of the proportional gains and integral times must match.');
			self.K = K;
			self.Ti = Ti;
			self.n_inputs = length(K);
			self.n_outputs = length(K);
			self.n_states = length(K);
		function dxcdt = derivatives(self, t, ~, ~, y, ~, r)
			dxcdt = self.Ti.^(-1).*(r(t) - y(t));
		function u = outputs(self, t, xc, ~, y, ~, r)
			u = self.K.*xc(t) + self.K.*(r(t) - y(t));

Executing a Simulation

The following script is used to perform the PI control of the quadruple-tank process.

% PI control of a quadruple-tank process %

% Quadruple-tank process
a = [0.071 0.057 0.071 0.057];
A = [28 32 28 32];
g = 981;
gamma = [0.7 0.6];
k = [3.33 3.35];

process = QuadrupleTank(a, A, g, gamma, k);

% PI controller
K = [0.3816; 0.5058];
Ti = [62.9557; 91.3960];

controller = PI(K, Ti);

% Create simulation
simulation = PCS.Simulation(controller, process);

% Define initial states and time interval
simulation.xc0 = [31.4347; 33.4446];
simulation.x0 = [12.4; 12.7; 1.5919; 1.4551];
simulation.t0 = 0;
simulation.tend = 500;

% Define set-point conditions
simulation.set_preloaded_reference(1, 15);
simulation.set_preloaded_reference(2, 12.7);

% Execute simulation
data =;

% Plot results
plot(data.t, data.x);

API Reference

The API reference is organized by packages.

Package Description
PCS Provides the core classes necessary to perform a process control simulation and the base system definition.
PCS.Control Provides the base controller definition and some of the well-known control laws.
PCS.Hardware Provides classes for emulating physical interaction with real processes.
PCS.Network Provides classes for establishing a networked communication between control loop components.
PCS.Process Provides the base process definition and some of the well-known industrial processes.
PCS.Utils Provides static classes with useful reusable functions to simplify the simulation of the closed-loop system.


Provides the core classes necessary to perform a process control simulation and the base system definition.

Class Summary

Class Description
Simulation The Simulation class contains the core functionality of the library that allows to perform process control simulations.
System An abstract class which provides a common definition for processes and controllers.
Class Simulation (PCS)

The Simulation class contains the core functionality of the library that allows to perform process control simulations.

Properties Summary
Modifier Property Description
None actuators Vector containing an actuator for each input of the process.
None actuator_links Vector containing the links of the network controller-process (C-P).
None d_sensors Vector containing a sensor for each disturbance affecting the process.
None event_tol Zero-crossing tolerance for event location.
None on_zeno_enter Function handle to be called before a Zeno phenomenom occurs.
None on_zeno_exit Function handle to be called after Zeno phenomenom is solved.
None sensor_links Vector containing the links of the network process-controller (P-C).
None solver A function handle to the ODE solver.
None t0 The initial time of the simulation.
None tend The final time of the simulation.
None verbose True if debug messages should be displayed at runtime.
None x0 Initial states of the process.
None xc0 Initial states of the controller.
None x_sensors Vector containing a sensor for each state of the process.
None y_sensors Vector containing a sensor for each output of the process.
None zeno_max_depth Maximum times that the same event can be triggered in the same time instant before a Zeno effect is detected.
Constructors Summary
Constructor  Description
Simulation(process, controller) Initializes a closed-loop simulation with given process and controller.
Methods Summary
Modifier Method  Description
None data = run() Executes the simulation in the time interval [t0, tend]. 
None data = run(t) Executes the simulation in the time interval [t0, tend] and returns the result at prefixed time instants given by t.
Class System (PCS)

An abstract class which provides a common definition for processes and controllers.

Properties Summary
Modifier Property Description
None n_inputs The number of inputs of the system.
None n_outputs The number of outputs of the system.
None n_states The number of states of the system.
Methods Summary
Modifier Method  Description
Abstract varargout = derivatives(t, varargin) Computes the derivatives of the states of the system.
Abstract varargout = outputs(t, varargin) Computes the outputs of the system.


Provides the base controller definition and some of the well-known control laws.

Class Summary

Class Description
Controller An abstract class which provides a general definition for controllers.
Class Controller (PCS.Control)

An abstract class which provides a general definition for controllers.

Method Summary
Modifier Method  Description
Abstract dxcdt = derivatives(t, xc, x, y, d, r) Computes the derivatives of the states of the controller.
Abstract u = outputs(t, xc, x, y, d, r) Computes the control signals.


Provides classes for emulating physical interaction with real processes.

Class Summary

Class Description
Actuator This class represents a physical actuator that is continuously connected to some process input.
Device An abstract class which provides a general definition for an electronic device.
Sensor This class represents a physical sensor that is continuously connected to some process state or output, or to a disturbance.
Class Actuator (PCS.Hardware)

This class represents a physical actuator that is continuously connected to some process input.

Properties Summary
Modifier Property Description
None dead_band The dead band of the actuator at which it does not provide any control action to the process.
None range The range of the actuator that is used for saturation.
None resolution The resolution of the actuator for rounding purposes.
None slew_rate The limitation in speed change of the actuator.
Constructors Summary
Constructor  Description
Actuator() Creates an ideal actuator with no physical restrictions.
Methods Summary
Modifier Method  Description
None output = write(input)  Uses this actuator to write a (possibly constrained) control signal.
Class Device (PCS.Hardware)

An abstract class which provides a general definition for an electronic device.

Properties Summary
Modifier Property Description
None device_id The identifier of the physical device.
Class Sensor (PCS.Hardware)

This class represents a physical sensor that is continuously connected to some process state or output, or to a disturbance.

Properties Summary
Modifier Property Description
None accuracy The sensor accuracy within the range (0: noisy, 1: exact].
None range The imposed range of the measured signal.
None resolution The resolution of the sensor for rounding purposes.
Constructors Summary
Constructor  Description
Sensor() Creates an ideal sensor with no physical restrictions.
Methods Summary
Modifier Method  Description
None output = read(input) Uses this sensor to read a (possibly constrained) state, output or disturbance.


Provides classes for establishing a networked communication between control loop components.

Class Summary

Class Description
ActuatorLink The ActuatorLink class provides a general implementation for continuous-time, discrete-time and event-time transmissions between the controller and the process.
Link An abstract class which provides a general definition for network links.
SensorLink The SensorLink class provides a general implementation for continuous-time, discrete-time and event-time transmissions between the process and the controller.

Enum Summary

Enum Description
LinkType The available types of links for networked communication.
Class ActuatorLink (PCS.Network)

The ActuatorLink class provides a general implementation for continuous-time, discrete-time and event-time transmissions between the controller and the process.

Properties Summary
Modifier Property Description
None control_signals_to_transmit A vector containing the index of the transmitted control signals.
Constructors Summary
Constructor  Description
ActuatorLink() Creates a continuous actuator link that transmits every control signal.
Methods Summary
Modifier Method Description
None u_sent = send(t, u) Transmits some control signals through this link.
Class Link (PCS.Network)

An abstract class which provides a general definition for network links.

Properties Summary
Modifier Property Description
None reliability  The reliability of the link that may cause packet losses in the range [0: all packets are lost, 1: no packet losses].
None sampling_time The periodic sampling time of the link in the range [0: continuous transmission, ∞).
None transmission_delay The transmission delay of the link.
None triggering_condition The event condition that must be fulfilled for the link to be triggered.
Methods Summary
Modifier Method  Description
None varargout = send(varargin) Transmits some signals through this link.
Class SensorLink (PCS.Network)

The SensorLink class provides a general implementation for continuous-time, discrete-time and event-time transmissions between the process and the controller.

Properties Summary
Modifier Property Description
None disturbances_to_transmit A vector containing the index of the transmitted disturbances.
None outputs_to_transmit A vector containing the index of the transmitted outputs.
None states_to_transmit A vector containing the index of the transmitted states.
Constructors Summary
Constructor  Description
SensorLink() Creates a continuous sensor link that transmits every disturbance, output and state.
Methods Summary
Modifier Method Description
None [x_sent, y_sent, d_sent] = send(t, x, y, d) Transmits some disturbances, outputs and states through this link.
Enum LinkType (PCS.Network)

The available types of links for networked communication.

Constants Summary
Constant Description
ContinuousEventTriggered Represents a continuous event-triggered link.
ContinuousTimeTriggered Represents a continuous link.
PeriodicEventTriggered Represents a periodic event-triggered link.
PeriodicTimeTriggered Represents a periodic time-triggered link.


Provides the base process definition and some of the well-known industrial processes.

Class Summary

Class Description
Process An abstract class which provides a general definition for processes.
Class Process (PCS.Process)

An abstract class which provides a general definition for processes.

Properties Summary
Modifier Property Description
None n_disturbances The number of disturbances of the process.
Method Summary
Modifier Method  Description
Abstract dxdt = derivatives(t, x, u, d) Computes the derivatives of the states of the process.
Abstract y = outputs(t, x, u, d) Computes the outputs of the process.


Provides static classes with useful reusable functions to simplify the simulation of the closed-loop system.

Class Summary

Class Description
Utils Class for static utilities.

Enum Summary

Enum Description
InterpolationMethod The avaliable modes of interpolation.
Class Utils (PCS.Utils)
Methods Summary
Modifier Method Description
Static y = langrange_interpolation(X, Y, x) Computes Lagrange interpolation.
Static classes = subclasses(class, folder, depth) Gets MATLAB subclasses for a given class.
Enum InterpolationMethod (PCS.Utils)

The available modes of interpolation.

Constants Summary
Constant Description
Lagrange The Lagrange interpolation method.
Linear Linear (first-order hold) interpolation.
ZOH Zero-order hold interpolation.


Process Control Simulations (PCS) for MATLAB







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