Date: 01-Jun-2022
- (enh #119): Allow translations to work better when widget is extended (new widget property sourcePath).
New propertysourcePath
added toWidgetTrait
and used inWidget
* @var string directory path to the original widget source. If not set, will default to the working directory for
* the current widget's class. Setting this property can be useful in specific cases, like when you are extending
* the Krajee widget with your own custom namespaced class. In that case, set this property to the original Krajee
* Widget Base path. Yii path alias parsing is supported (using `@` symbols). For example:
* ~~~
* // your custom extended widget
* namespace myapp\widgets;
* class MyDateRangePicker extends kartik\daterange\DateRangePicker {
* // directly set the property to the original Krajee base widget directory
* // you can use Yii path aliases
* public $sourcePath = '@vendor/kartik-v/yii2-date-range/src';
* }
* // Alternatively you can also override this property while rendering the widget
* // view.php: where widget is rendered
* use myapp\widgets\MyDateRangePicker;
* echo MyDateRangePicker::widget([
* 'name' => 'custom',
* 'sourcePath' => '@vendor/kartik-v/yii2-date-range/src'
* ]);
* ~~~
public $sourcePath;