Developed a personal financial tracker application using Python incorporating a MySQL database to efficiently store and manage transaction data.
Implemented robust user account creation functionality, including checks for duplicate email IDs to ensure data integrity and prevent account duplication.
Integrated transaction categorization functionality, enabling users to classify transactions as friendly, business, or official for better tracking and analysis.
Utilized MySQL database to securely store and retrieve transaction data, ensuring data consistency and used mysqlconnector as an ORM tool to avoid witing sql queries.
Implemented secure and efficient money transfer functionality enabling users to transfer funds securely between different accounts within the application.
Utilized the tkinter library to create a user-friendly graphica user interface (GUI) that allowed users to navigate and interact with the application seamlessly.
Designed a comprehensive analytics section, providing users with detailed insights into their financial data, including daily income versus expenditure analysis.
Demonstrated strong programming skills by effectively utilizing object-oriented programming (OOP) principles and modular code design to ensure maintainability and scalability of the application.