Galactic-Empire-Invaders is a Star Wars-themed Space Invaders parody game developed using Pygame. As a lone Jedi, players navigate an X-wing fighter to battle against the forces of the Empire, culminating in a showdown with the Death Star.
- Navigate: Use the Left & Right arrow keys to move your X-wing left or right.
- Fire: Press the Space-bar to shoot at incoming enemies.
- Health: Players can sustain two hits before their score is affected (grace period).
- Enemy HP: Each enemy has a set health value, typically 5 HP.
- Restart: After a game over, restart the program to play again.
- Power-ups: Collect health power-ups to extend your survival.
- Score: Avoid enemy lasers! Getting hit reduces your score by 1. A score below 0 results in a loss.
- Boss Fight: Defeat the Death Star to claim victory.
- Clone the repository to your local machine.
- Ensure you have Python and Pygame installed.
- Run
Galactic_Empire_Invaders_main (Final Version).py
to start the game. - Enjoy defending the galaxy!
- Developers: Kaushal Bhingaradia
- Date: February 18, 2024
- Acknowledgments: Special thanks to Prof. Michael Nixon for providing the original Space Invader template from lab 3.
- Assets: Refer to
in the local directory for asset sources.
- [Fix] The game can now run without any sprites due to implemented error handling.
The program will close automatically after a 5-second delay on the game over screen.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details.