Short: Monitors stack usage of any tasks Author: Uploader: raptor cs tu-berlin de Type: util/moni Version: 1.2 Requires: OS 2.0, bgui.library v37 Architecture: m68k-amigaos Kurz: Zeigt Stackverbrauch eines Tasks an
This program is comparable to StackMon by David Kinder but it comes with additional features and the source.
This software is stated in the PUBLIC DOMAIN so you can do with that
package what you want. You are using this piece of software at your
own risk, so the author can not be held responsible for any problem
occuring with it.
If you are using this program, you can send me a notice so I can
think about to make it more completely (adding a real doc, tooltips
etc. ). So feel free to contact me, especially when you have found
a bug.
1.0 : First version.
1.1 : If the previous version wasn't able to create a commodity
object, it has started without opening the gui. The gui
wasn't reachable anymore. I've changed a method in the
module "commodity.m" to fix that.
( 12-Oct-98 )
1.2 : Added new languages and done minor changings.
( 30-Jan-99 )