Here is the study and test of two necessary flies logic, apply functional rules and libs to made it more robust.
- pagination: wich is use either rule functor.
- kalendar: Obtains add an week days.
- hierarchy: Parent and children hierarchy.
Uses ramda-fantasy to include Either. Made an approach of jsverify for robusts tests.
(moment is only using in test logic not!)
must study how-to publish only one of all monorepos
merge subtree (git merge --squash -s subtree --no-commit <BRANCH>
) will be necessary to force the merge the use this --allow-unrelated-histories (git merge --squash -s subtree --no-commit --allow-unrelated-histories <BRANCH>
, or use git pull -s subtree --allow-unrelated-histories -Xsubtree=packages/stepsIrrigation/ origin <BRANCH>
git subtree split -P packages/{FOLDER_TO_SPLIT} -b {BRANCH_NAME}
git checkout {BRANCH_NAME}
git push --set-upstream origin {BRANCH_NAME}