// To stream local video using rtsp in container.
docker build -t {tagname} .
docker run {tagname}
// Expose an API. This api on calling listens to rtsp stream. Use postman or any other tool to call the api.
docker build -t {tagname} .
docker run -d -p {tagname} .
API Call- POST body-- { "rtsp": "rtsp://" }
Since the above two containers are running seperately and no communcation is established between the continers. so create a docker network and the two containers in same network so that videocapture can listen to the rtsp stream
docker network create {networkName}
docker network connect rtspnetwork {containerId}
// stream (docker conatiner ls) to get container id.
docker network inspect rtspnetwork {containerId}
// stream capture api
I have added you to my storage account opencvstorage585
, frames will be sent to that storage.
Additional commands
docker network inspect rtspnetwork {containerId}
// inspect network config details.
docker container ls
// view all running container details.
docker stop {containerId}
docker logs {containerId} -f
// for following docker logs
For local debugging rtsp stream run docker run -d -p {tagname} .
to stream in any media player.
Add azure blob details for storing the frames in to the blob in azureBlobHelper.py