This repository contains the implementation of four approaches; Heuristics, NEAT, PPO-Clip and simple DQN on Gymnasium environment of the Flappy Bird game.
The implementation of the game's logic and graphics wasbased on the flappy-bird-gym project, by @Talendar. We also used the github repository project, by @markub3327.
The "FlappyBird-v0" environment yields simple numerical information about the game's state as observations, including:
- the last pipe's horizontal position
- the last top pipe's vertical position
- the last bottom pipe's vertical position
- the next pipe's horizontal position
- the next top pipe's vertical position
- the next bottom pipe's vertical position
- the next next pipe's horizontal position
- the next next top pipe's vertical position
- the next next bottom pipe's vertical position
- player's vertical position
- player's vertical velocity
- player's rotation
- 0 - do nothing
- 1 - flap
- +0.1 - every frame it stays alive
- +1.0 - successfully passing a pipe
- -1.0 - dying
To run the heuristics, run the following command:
~ python
To see a Deep Q Network agent, add an argument to the command:
~ python
To see NEAT results, add an argument to the command:
~ python
It is possible to parse an argument for the below hyperparameters:
--generations : 'Number of generation to run'
--pop_size : 'Population size'
--remove_node : 'Probability to remove a node'
--remove_connection : 'Probability to remove a connection'
--add_node : 'Probability to add a node'
--add_connection : 'Probability to add a connection'
--target_species : 'Number of target species'
--plays : 'Number of final simulations'
To execute the PPO agent, add an argument to the command:
~ python
It is possible to parse an argument for the below hyperparameters:
--episodes : 'Number of episodes to run'
--verbose : 'Verbose'
--render : 'Render'