Inspired by the urge to scream into a void and wanting to practice using CSS variables.
- Javascript
Concepts Practiced:
- CSS Variables
- Keydown event
- Simple CSS Animations
Because this was just a quick project, I didn't spend too much time on the design and decided to just link to the background photos which are all from photographers on Unsplash. I also didn't make the design responsive because I was just focusing on specific concepts, so in the future I could definitely improve this project by linking to the images locally and implementing a mobile design. I could also further practice CSS Animations by creating a handful of different animations and randomizing which one is used for each text entry.
I really like CSS Variables and I found that they helped make the CSS very readable, but I also found that organizing the CSS file needs to be prioritized when using CSS Variables for multiple different themes, because it can get very long very quickly. I also enjoyed creating a keydown event and learning more about different keycodes.