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Programable cloudwatch metrics exporter for Prometheus


Install it yourself as:

$ gem install clear_skies

You can also use docker


(from You need to configure :credentials and a :region to make API calls. It is recommended that you provide these via your environment. This makes it easier to rotate credentials and it keeps your secrets out of source control.

The SDK searches the following locations for credentials:

  • Unless ENV['AWS_SDK_CONFIG_OPT_OUT'] is set, the shared configuration files (~/.aws/credentials and ~/.aws/config) will be checked for a role_arn and source_profile, which if present will be used to attempt to assume a role.
  • The shared credentials ini file at ~/.aws/credentials (more information)
    • Unless ENV['AWS_SDK_CONFIG_OPT_OUT'] is set, the shared configuration ini file at ~/.aws/config will also be parsed for credentials.
  • From an instance profile when running on EC2, or from the ECS credential provider when running in an ECS container with that feature enabled.

The SDK searches the following locations for a region:

  • Unless ENV['AWS_SDK_CONFIG_OPT_OUT'] is set, the shared configuration files (~/.aws/credentials and ~/.aws/config) will also be checked for a region selection.

The region is used to construct an SSL endpoint. If you need to connect to a non-standard endpoint, you may specify the :endpoint option.


To run the exporter simple do: $ clear_skies metrics_file

The metrics_file is a ruby script that registers the metrics you wish to export.

# To grab a generic cloudwatch metric use the following method:
ClearSkies::Gauge.register(namespace, metric_name,dimensions, statistics) do |labels|
  labels[:extra] = "label"
  labels[:instance_id] == "something specific"

If you pass a block, it will be called for each dimension retrieved. The block will be passed a hash of all computed labels, and you may add more if you wish. If the blocks value is false, that dimension will be skipped.

RDS Metrics

There is a helper class for grabbing RDS metrics. It behaves the same as ClearSkies::Gauge, except that it automatically adds the vpc_id and tags as labels.

# To grab an RDS metric
ClearSkies::RDSGauge.register("ReadThroughput", ["DBInstanceIdentifier"], ["Average", "Minimum", "Maximum"])end

ELB Metrics

There is a helper class for grabbing ELB metrics. It behaves the same as ClearSkies::Gauge, except that it automatically adds the vpc_id and tags as labels.

# To grab an ELB metric
ClearSkies::ELBGauge.register("Latency", ["LoadBalancerName"], ["Average", "p90"])

ElasticBeanstalk Metrics

There is a helper class for grabbing ElasticBeanstalk metrics. It behaves the same as ClearSkies::Gauge, except that it automatically adds vpc_id and application_name as labels.

# To grab an ELB metric
ClearSkies::ElasticBeanstalkGauge.register("InstancesOk", ["EnvironmentName"], ["Average", "Minimum", "Maximum"])


If there is a namespace of metrics you wish to add, please submit a PR.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.


Exporter for Prometheus







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