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How to run this file:


first you need to have installed Python and Psycopg2 v2.7.5 to deal with PostgreSQL.

  1. download and install vagrant version 1.9.5 is the one that works without problems
  2. download and install virtual box version 5.2.
  3. download and install postgreSQL version 9.5


  • Create an empty folder to hold your project folders and files; name this folder log-analysis-dir. Inside log-analysis-dir download the vagrant file ( Create another folder named log-analysis-project and place it next to the vagrant file inside the log-analysis-dir this folder will share files with the virtual machine.
  • Until now, our project folder should look like this: \ log-analysis-dir --vagrant file --log-analysis-project
  • Go to log-analysis-project folder or cd to it in your terminal. Here, create the file and download and unzip the newsdata.sql database file. Now your project folder should look like this:
//vagrant file
//------ newsdata.sql

Go to log-analysis-dir folder and git bash there, run these commands:

  • vagrant up and wait till the virtual machine is created.
  • Then vagrant ssh, which will make the terminal prompt turn into something like: vagrant@vagrant:.
  • Then, cd /vagrant, which will take us to the directory shared between the virtual machine and our computer.
  • Here, we use cd log-analysis-project command
  • use the command psql -d news -f newsdata.sql and then psql -d news to connect to the news database. Note: we can skip to the command psql -d news directly once we have already connected to the database.
  • run this code to create views necessary to run our loganalysis python app:
    psql -d news -f views.sql
vagrant@vagrant:/vagrant/log-analysis$ psql -d news -f views.sql
  • Now run our python file which contains our code using python
  • We should see the output of these three SQL queries run against the news database:
    1. What are the most popular three articles of all time?
    2. Who are the most popular article authors of all time?
    3. On which days did more than 1% of requests lead to errors?

Views created to handle the database:

  • AuthorsVa: this view summs the number of views for each article belongs to every author the news database have. We make use of this view to sum all the views for each article that is written by each author.
  • totals: this view sums up the total views for all the articles wrtten by each author. This view actually answers the question number 2.
  • ratio: this view sums the logs of each day grouped by status( i.e. how many http requests did the website had at each day that were '200 OK' success response and how many that were '400 NOT FOUND' failure response).
  • errorlogs: this view sums up all th logs for each day no matter what its status were. We will use this sum to devide the number of failure responses for that day by it, to get the ratio of faliure for each day alone.

Special thanks to the writer of this Stack Overflow answer:

How to calculate percentage with a SQL statement


sql web analysis using Python






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