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ESR 115.6.0 (R2)

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@kawapure kawapure released this 03 Apr 23:23

Native control patches for ESR 115.6.0 Win64 only.

Originally released on 25 January 2024.

Updates made here will also be landed in the upcoming 115.7.0 release. Sorry for it taking so long!

This update adds many useful features for userChrome authors and people who wish to theme Firefox!

Reimplemented native controls:

  • statusbar (and statusbarpanel)
  • Scrollbar resizer (and resizerpanel)
  • tooltip

You can now query if this patch is used in a chrome or author style using the following media query:

@media (-moz-ev-native-controls-patch) {
    /* ... */

User customisations can be made in about:config to configure this a little bit more:

  • widget.ev-native-controls-patch.override-win-version: Overrides the Windows version reporting when it comes to styling code and chrome CSS.
  • widget.ev-native-controls-patch.force-dwm-report-off: Forces Firefox to act as if DWM is not available. Useful for people using basic themers.
  • widget.ev-native-controls-patch.force-glass-reporting: Forces CSS glass effects (-moz-windows-glass) to report on or off. Set to 1 to force on or 2 to force off.
  • widget.ev-native-controls-patch.override-aero-caption-buttons-mask-width: Overrides the width of the DWM caption buttons mask. Useful for people who use a modded uDWM on Windows. The height must also be specified for this to work.
  • widget.ev-native-controls-patch.override-aero-caption-buttons-mask-height: Overrides the height of the DWM caption buttons mask. Like the above, you must set the width for this to work.