- Find the most profitable app in both Apple and Android App Store
- Compare different categories to see which category has the most potential to bring in profit
- Identify which type of posts receive more comments on average
- Find the best time to post based on number of comments
Identify which brand is sellmong the most at what price
What is the best mileage to sell a used car
- Create data visualization by plotting multiple subplots on earnings by major
- Analyze the different between gender among different college degrees
- Compare two exit surveys to analyze if employees are resigning due to dissatisfaction
- Clean, rename, verify the datasets so they can be combined
- Create visualization of combined dataset
- Analyze the busies hours and the slowest hours to change business hours in order to cut costs and increase sales
- Analyze the sales by the hour on each day to see if any days aren't worth opening
- Analyze the sales of different categories. How well does breakfast sell during lunch?