A tile for Laravel Dashboard that displays football standings of different leagues and actual football livescores
This tile can used on the Laravel Dashboard to display standings from www.football-data.org.
The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.
You can install the tile via composer:
composer require kayschima/laravel-dashboard-footballdata-standings-tile
In the dashboard config file, you must add this configuration in the tiles key.
Sign up at https://www.football-data.org/ to obtain FOOTBALLDATA_API_KEY
to a league shortcut of the football-data.org service (e.g. BL1
or PL
// in config/dashboard.php
return [
// ...
'tiles' => [
'footballstandings' => [
'footballdata_api_key' => env('FOOTBALLDATA_API_KEY'),
'football_league' => env('FOOTBALL_LEAGUE'),
In app\Console\Kernel.php you should schedule
- the
and - the
to run every minute.
// in app/console/Kernel.php
use Kayschima\FootballStandingsTile\Commands\FetchFootballStandingsDataCommand;
use Kayschima\FootballStandingsTile\Commands\FetchFootballLiveResultsDataCommand;
protected function schedule(Schedule $schedule)
// ...
In your dashboard views you use
- the
component and/or - the
An optional $highlight
-attribute to the livewire:football-standings-tile
triggers a simple highlighting of e.g. the local or favourite team what is expected to be a common use case for the tile.
For simplicity, this commit uses the id of the team, specific to every competition -- "4"
in this case for BVB @ 1. Bundesliga.
<livewire:football-standings-tile position="a1" highlight="4" />
<livewire:football-live-results-tile position="b1"/>
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Kayschima\FootballStandingsTile\FootballStandingsTileServiceProvider" --tag="dashboard-football-standings-tile-views"