A workspace for @hansfbaier's prjxray DB / kintex7.
[Mar 28]
Add xc7k325tffg676-1 from the old database.
Remove a (suspicious) conflicting bit
prjxray.fasm_assembler.FasmInconsistentBits: FASM line "INT_R_X95Y132.IMUX34.SL1END1" wanted to set bit (4206489, 65, 21) but was cleared by FASM line "RIOB18_X95Y131.IOB_Y0.SSTL135.DRIVE.I_FIXED"
-> Drop !25_85 from RIOB18.IOB_Y0.SSTL135.DRIVE.I_FIXED.
Add the missing lines to segbits_rioi.db/segbits_rioi_tbyteterm.db from @hansfbaier's 20220326 DB.
Add a fake ppips_rioi_tbyteterm.db which is created from ppips_rioi3_tbyteterm.db.
Fill the empty "bits" of LIOI3_X0Y9 with the content of "bits" of LIOB33_X0Y9.
[Mar 29]
- Remove an another (suspicious) conflicting bit
prjxray.fasm_assembler.FasmInconsistentBits: FASM line "INT_R_X95Y101.IMUX34.SE2END1" wanted to clear bit (4206488, 2, 21) but was set by FASM line "RIOB18_X95Y101.IOB_Y1.SSTL135.DRIVE.I_FIXED"
-> Drop 24_21 from RIOB18.IOB_Y1.SSTL135.DRIVE.I_FIXED.
- Add "RIOI_O0.RIOI_OLOGIC[01]_OQ always" to ppips_rioi.db/ppips_rioi_tbytesrc.db. Looks lioi3 counterparts have them.