##A Simple Virtual Joystick made for the Apple Sprite Kit Framework
Creates a virtual onscreen joystick composed of 2 circles which you can configure with any sprite name you'd like. Options include ability to dynamically show the control when the user taps and center itself on the tap or can be used as a fixed controller
The sample application shows how to use them in a simple move/shoot scenario similar to a lot of games of this style.
KAZ_JoystickNode *moveJoystick = [[KAZ_JoystickNode alloc] init];
[moveJoystick setOuterControl:@"outer" withAlpha:0.25];
[moveJoystick setInnerControl:@"inner" withAlpha:0.5];
moveJoystick.movePoints = 8;
[self addChild:moveJoystick];
This will create the joystick with using an image named 'outer' for the outer circle and a 0.25 alpha, and an image named 'inner' for the inner circle at 0.5 alpha. The speed will be scaled from 0-8.
On your scene, you will start control on touchesBegan
-(void)touchesBegan:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event {
for (UITouch *touch in touches) {
CGPoint location = [touch locationInNode:self];
// Add some conditional to determine if the touch is one you want to use to control the joystick
if ( location.x < 200 && location.y < 200 ){
[moveJoystick startControlFromTouch:touch andLocation:location];
This will tell the control to show and start controlling using the specified point and location if they tap in the lower area of the screen
Then during touch moves, you'll update the control with:
-(void)touchesMoved:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event{
for (UITouch *touch in touches) {
if ( touch == moveJoystick.startTouch){
[moveJoystick moveControlToLocation:touch andLocation:[touch locationInNode:self]];
This will tell the joystick of the new movements
Then to end control, you'll do:
-(void)touchesEnded:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event{
for (UITouch *touch in touches) {
if ( touch == moveJoystick.startTouch){
[moveJoystick endControl];
To have a fixed control, you'd follow the same flow except configure it a bit differently
KAZ_JoystickNode *moveJoystick = [[KAZ_JoystickNode alloc] init];
[moveJoystick setOuterControl:@"outer" withAlpha:0.25];
[moveJoystick setInnerControl:@"inner" withAlpha:0.5 withName:@"MoveJoystick"];
moveJoystick.movePoints = 8;
moveJoystick.autoShowHide = NO;
moveJoystick.position = CGPointMake(150, 150);
[self addChild:moveJoystick];
The only difference from the dynamic version is that you supply a name to the inner control so you can easily determine if they tapped on it, changed autoShowHide to NO and supplied a position.
Then when you start control, you'd do something like:
-(void)touchesBegan:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event {
for (UITouch *touch in touches) {
CGPoint location = [touch locationInNode:self];
SKNode *touchedNode = [self nodeAtPoint:location];
if ( [touchedNode.name isEqualToString:@"MoveJoystick"] ){
[moveJoystick startControlFromTouch:touch andLocation:location];
Once you have movement you can control whatever sprite you'd like probably from the update method.
For example if you wanted to move a ship you could do something like this during the update method:
if ( moveJoystick.isMoving ){
CGPoint adjustedSpritePosition = CGPointMake(sprite.position.x + moveJoystick.moveSize.width, sprite.position.y + moveJoystick.moveSize.height);
sprite.position = adjustedSpritePosition;
It'll adjust the ships position based on it's current location plus the movement size from the controller
You could also read the registered angle to apply something at an angle. See the sample code on how to shoot objects at that angle.
Flag to know when the control is registering movements
Defaults to YES. Will show the control when the start touch gets registered
The size of the movement the control calculates. Based on the speed and angle, it'll generate a movement in the x/y space for you to apply to any node.
The touch to register movement with the control
The amount you want to adjust the object speed by. Will be scaled based on the distance from the center point to the outer ring
The angle being reported by the movment of the inner circle. 0 is directly to the right, 180 is is directly to left, 90 is at the top, and -90 is at the bottom
The angle to report if there is no movement, the control will reset to this