Releases: kb-dk/text-service
ADL copyright plus version update of wkhtmltopdf
Rollback of the last few dependabot version bumps. That's fine. No security issues. Developers can do that later if they want.
ADL copyright plus version updates (dependabot)
An adjustment of copyright texts, plus version updates from dependabot
ADL copyright texts
Added copyright texts for ADL plus a list of copyright state for various ADL items link to page has to be tested).
with phase II sks, lh, letters & jura
After this release,, will contain 8 editions including phase II sks, lh, letters & jura
Late arrived patches
Merge pull request #412 from kb-dk/Staging-fixes2-BOKS Small changes conc. copyright texts
Much legalese but some CSS and stuff
All copyright statements has been through by people who understand them.
Even more legalese updated.
CSS bugs and some styling, etc
CSS bugs and some styling related to column numbering.
lh, letters & jura editions to text-service
This release publishes three new editons lh, letters & jura editions to text-service. In addition, it includes a handful security fixes to ruby-on-rails.
SKS in its entirety in production
First release of the entire SKS, i.e., including journals, letters and some manuscripts.
LH + improved SKS phase 2
Contains what is needed for running Louis Hjelmslev, and important additions to Kierkegaard. This can run SKS in production.