Validation of hOCR close to the specs
hOCR is a flavor of HTML for encoding the results of Optical Character Recognition (OCR) engines. It is supported by most OCR engines, such as tesseract, ocropus/ocropy and kraken.
The hOCR specifications is at the same time very simple (hOCR is just HTML) and hard to implement, due to its terseness and lack of up-to-date code samples. This project aims to implement the rules defined by the specs from the ground up to serve as a validation tool and reference implementation. It is meant to help hOCR implementers and support tools like hocr-tools.
Use pip:
# System-wide:
sudo pip install [--user] hocr-spec
# For current user:
pip install --user hocr-spec
From source:
git clone
cd hocr-spec-python
# System-wide:
sudo python install
# For current user:
python install --user
usage: hocr-spec [-h] [--format {text,bool,ansi,xml}]
[--profile {relaxed,standard}]
[--implicit_capabilities CAPABILITY]
[--skip-check {attributes,classes,metadata,properties}]
[--parse-strict] [--silent]
sources [sources ...]
positional arguments:
sources hOCR file to check or '-' to read from STDIN
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--format {text,bool,ansi,xml}, -f {text,bool,ansi,xml}
Report format
--profile {relaxed,standard}, -p {relaxed,standard}
Validation profile
--implicit_capabilities CAPABILITY, -C CAPABILITY
Enable this capability. Use '*' to enable all
capabilities. In addition to the 'ocr*' classes, you
can use ['ocrp_dir', 'ocrp_font', 'ocrp_lang',
'ocrp_nlp', 'ocrp_poly']
--skip-check {attributes,classes,metadata,properties}, -X {attributes,classes,metadata,properties}
Skip one check
--parse-strict Parse HTML with less tolerance for errors
--silent, -s Don't produce any output but signal success with exit
from hocr_spec import HocrValidator
validator = HocrValidator()
report = validator.validate('/path/to/sample.hocr')
# <report valid='false'>...</report>