This is a boilerplate project I made for facilitating the creation Next.js applications with Tailwind CSS styling and deployment to GitHub Pages. 3 steps and you're ready to edit a website.
To get started, clone this repository:
git clone
Open your project in vscode
code .
At this point, you can rename the project to your github username
Navigate to the project directory
Install dependencies:
pnpm install
Start the development Server:
pnpm dev
Visit http://localhost:3000 in your browser to view the project. Edit your webpage to your hearts desire <3
- Update the homepage field in the package.json file with your GitHub Pages URL:
"homepage": "",
- Update the
field in the/.github/workflows/deploy.yml
publish_dir: your-username/
- Build your project:
pnpm build
- Deploy your project to GitHub Pages:
pnpm deploy