Supervisorring exposes the same module and behaviour as an erlang OTP supervisor but distributed into several nodes monitored using ( ):
- each child is started on different up nodes according to the mapping of the child id on a consistent hashing DHT
- when the up node cluster change (NanoRing event), on each node, according to the new DHT : moved in processes are started, moved out processes are killed, and a state migration happened before the kill if possible
- when child die repeatedly, a local supervisor is restarted to try a local state restoration, if this local supervisor die repeatedly, then all the supervisors on all nodes are killed , then let the parent supervisor of the supervisorring supervisor handle the global state restoration (like with a classical otp supervisor)
The supervisorring
module and behaviour can be use nearly the same way as the
OTP/erlang :supervisor module and behaviour with the following differences :
only stops child locally, if the child is moved on another node then a terminated child will be restarted.- children cannot be
, they have to bepermanent
for the reason above. - children are not necessary started in the given order.
- the supervisor has to have locally registered name, so the
does not exist andstart_link/3
needs {:local,NAME} as first parameter. - in addition to the supervisor
function, :supervisorring behaviour needs you to implement amigrate/3
function which will be called if possible before to kill a child on a node where it doesnot belong anymore. - in order to allow the use of dynamic child management (
start_child /delete_child
), you need to maintain a global list of children. To allow that, a newchild_spec
can be used ininit/1
child list :{:dyn_child_handler,YourModule}
has to implement the behaviour:dyn_child_handler
callbacks will be used respectively after a successfulstart_child
callback will be called during ring migration in order to get the current global list of children to determine which one has to be started locally.match(::childid)->boolean
allows you to use multiple:dyn_child_handler
in childspecs and during addition and deletion, the correct handler will be selected if the child id match according to this function.
- in addition to supervisor function, supervisorring exposes two necessary new functions :
allows you to find the node where a child belong. Indeed, as a supervisor, a supervisorring does not give you a particular way to locate your process among its children, you have to use your own mechanism to locate your process : register, pid communication, etc... BUT if you just use locally registered pid, you need to know the node where the child run for instance if the registered name is also the child id in sup{ChildName,:supervisorring.find(ChildSup,ChildName)},:you_call)
- the local ring may be unaware of the last ring update and
:supervisorring.find can give you a down node if this one just crashed. To
ensure that your code executes himself on the node where a given child
is currently running, you can use
- finally, the local supervisor is registered with the name given to the
supervisorring, so you can use for instance :
to get all the children of the distributed supervisor and:supervisor.which_children(MySup)
to get the local children associate with this supervisor.
The :dyn_child_handler
can maintain the child list globally with an external
database shared by every cluster nodes (network fs,mnesia,riak,etc.).
Example :
defmodule MySup do
@behaviour :supervisorring
def migrate({_id,_type,_modules},old_server,new_server), do:
def init(_arg) do
# if childs file is shared on every node with a shared fs :
defmodule NetFSChildHandler do
@behaviour :dyn_child_handler
def match(_), do: true
def get_all, do:!("childs")|>binary_to_term
def add(childspec), do:
File.write!("childs",!("childs") |> binary_to_term |> List.insert_at(0,childspec) |> term_to_binary)
def del(childid), do:
File.write!("childs",!("childs") |> binary_to_term |> List.keydelete(childid,0) |> term_to_binary)
c3 = {MySup.C3,{:gen_server,:start_link,[{:local,MySup.C3},GenericServer,nil,[]]},:permanent,2,:worker,[GenericServer]}
# get all childs
# get local childs
Supervisorring.App.Sup-> .Events
-> .SuperSup -> NodesListener
your_app -> your_sup_tree -> your_supervisorring -> your_childs
actually starts the following supervision tree :
your_app -> your_sup_tree -> global_sup -> local_sup(children=your_childs in dht(localnode)))
-> child_manager -> ring_event_handler
The application SuperSup gen_server
listens nanoring events to
update its consistant hashing dht, then notify all the local
Supervisiorring Global Supervisor with a gen_event
The ChildManager gen_server
start or kill the local supervisor
children according to the new DHT.
The local children are supervised by 2 parent supervisor, global_sup -> local_sup -> children
so that :
- if a child die it is restarted by
as a classical supervised process - if the child die repeatedly (according to defined MaxR,MaxT),
will die - if
die, it is restarted byglobal_sup
to "test" if local children state restoration is sufficient to ensure the viability of the children - if
die, repeatedly, according to MaxR=2 MaxT=LocalMaxT*2
, thenglobal_sup
will die super_sup
so that whenglobal_sup
exits for anormal reason, it sendexit(global_sup_ref,kill)
to all nodes in order to kill the supervisor "globally" (as the supervisor maintains the list of children globally, the working child state may need a global children restart)
This way children supervised by supervisorring
can be supervised
globally in a similar fashion as local_supervision