It is a tool which you can input chinese, the tool can transform your input to pinyin. You will have a good time to use it.
npm install chinese-transform-pinyin
Thanks zhujun24
dictionary. It's very good
only save the first char of the pinyinonlyTone
only save the tone of the pinyinremoveTone
this option can transform the tone to the English charkeepOrigin
save punctuation, number and English
You can use the three options together or only use the one of them, also you can choose any two options to use together.
import Pinyin from 'chinese-transform-pinyin'
Pinyin('拼音库第一次尝试') // pīn yīn kù dì yī cì cháng shì
import Pinyin from 'chinese-transform-pinyin'
Pinyin('拼音库第一次尝试', { removeTone: true }) // pin yin ku di yi ci chang shi
import Pinyin from 'chinese-transform-pinyin'
Pinyin('今天天气不错哟', { firstChar: true }) // j t t q b c y
also you can
import Pinyin from 'chinese-transform-pinyin'
Pinyin('今天天气不错哟', { firstChar: true, onlyTone: true }) // jī tā tā qì bù cò yō
now you can save any which except Chinese
Pinyin('今天天气不错,一起出去吧?', { keepOrigin: true }) // jīn tiān tiān qì bù cuò , yì qǐ chū qù ba?
Pinyin('拼音库第1次尝试', { keepOrigin: true }) // pīn yīn kù dì 1 cì cháng shì
you may choose the firstChar option and the removeTone option to use together, but the result may be same when you use three options together, so I just recommend you to use three option together when you want to do this, because I do not make it happen in this version