A CLI based utility to operate Grafana, such as list/export/import/delete dashboards, create/delete/list annotations, etc.
# Linux go build # Compile on Linux for Windows GOOS=windows GOARCH=amd64 CGO_ENABLED=0 go build
Provide Grafana Information with CLI Options
./grafana_cli help ./grafana_cli --server http://localhost:3000 --user admin --password admin dashboard list
Provide Grafana Information with Env Vars
export GRAFANA_SERVER='http://localhost:3000' export GRAFANA_USER='admin' export GRAFANA_PASSWORD='admin' ./grafana_cli dashboard --help ./grafana_cli dashbaord export --help ./grafana_cli dashboard export --uid 'qpQbDyxMk' --path dashboard1.json
Functions as below (which are used for automation during my daily usage) are implemented:
- Annotation: list, create, delete;
- Dashboard: list, export, import, delete, panel (list panels of a dashboard);
- Data Source: list, export, import, delete;
- Folder: list, create, delete;
- Snapshot: list, export, delete.