Data workflow automation (via prefect) to process NEON hyperspectral data into a single mosaic.
- Download NEON AOP hyperspectral data (DP130006_001)
- Aggregate metadata file (.json) for the data
- Apply BRDF and Topographic corrections using HyTools
- Mosaic flights by selecting pixels with the sensor zenith angle nearest to NADIR
- Write data to a Zarr file (via xarray)
- Create a prefect account (Free)
- Setup Prefect Cloud and Agent environment (see here -
- Setup cloud project and register flow (see here -
- Activate flow (configure as necassary) on prefect cloud UI.
Runs On: data_science_im_rs:latest
Prefect Cloud View:
- Change cluster scaling from static to adaptive
- Improve performance on mosaic
- Contact Phil Townsend Lab about BRDF parameters/configurations