Version: 1.2.4
Author: Onur Yildirim © 2014
Source code licensed under the MIT License.
Please see the Disclaimer and License.
- HTML5 geolocation (by user permission)
- Location by IP (Supported source services: FreeGeoIP, GeoPlugin, WikiMedia)
- Reverse Geocoding (address lookup)
- Full address information (street, town, neighborhood, region, country, country code, postal code, etc...)
- Fallback mechanism (from HTML5-geolocation to IP-geo lookup)
- Supports Google Loader (loads Google Maps dynamically)
- Dynamically creates Google Maps (with marker, info window, auto-adjusted zoom)
- Non-blocking script loading (external sources are loaded on the fly without interrupting page load)
- No library/framework dependencies (such as jQuery, MooTools, etc...)
- Browser Support: IE 9+, Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Opera...
Download: Full Version 12.4KB (3.2KB gzipped), Minified Version 4KB (1.6KB gzipped)
See a live demo here.
Inside the <head>
of your HTML:
<script type="text/javascript" src="geolocator.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
//The callback function executed when the location is fetched successfully.
function onGeoSuccess(location) {
//The callback function executed when the location could not be fetched.
function onGeoError(message) {
window.onload = function() {
//geolocator.locateByIP(onGeoSuccess, onGeoError, 2, 'map-canvas');
var html5Options = { enableHighAccuracy: true, timeout: 6000, maximumAge: 0 };
geolocator.locate(onGeoSuccess, onGeoError, true, html5Options, 'map-canvas');
Also place the line below, inside your <body>
if you want to dynamically draw a map (you should also pass the element ID to the corresponding method for the map to be drawn):
<div id="map-canvas" style="width:600px;height:400px"></div>
geolocator.js provides 2 useful methods:
Use this method to get the location via HTML5 geolocation.
geolocator.locate( successCallback, [errorCallback], [fallbackToIP], [html5Options], [mapCanvasId] )
Function A callback function to be executed when the location is successfully fetched. The recentgeolocator.location
object is passed to this callback, as the only argument.
Function (optional, default:null
) A callback function to be executed when the location could not be fetched due to an error. The recent error messageString
is passed to this callback, as the only argument.
Boolean|Integer (optional, default:false
) Specifies whether geolocator should fallback to IP geo-lookup when HTML5 geolocation is not supported, timeout expired, position is unavailable or permission rejected by the user. A positiveInteger
value will indicate the index of the source ip-geo service (if the value is in range). Booleantrue
will set the default ip-geo service index which is1
(GeoPlugin). Valid values:0
(use FreeGeoIP for ip-geo fallback),1
(use GeoPlugin for ip-geo fallback),2
(use Wikimedia for ip-geo fallback),false
or any other value (will disable ip-geo fallback)
Object (optional, default:null
) HTML5 geolocation options. e.g.{ enableHighAccuracy: true, timeout: 6000, maximumAge: 0 }
Note: Set thetimeout
value to at least5000
milliseconds; otherwise this may produce a timeout error (which will fallback to IP geo-lookups if enabled.)
String (optional, default:null
) HTML element ID for the Google Maps canvas. If set to null, no map is drawn.
var html5Options = { enableHighAccuracy: true, timeout: 6000, maximumAge: 0 };
geolocator.locate(onGeoSuccess, onGeoError, true, html5Options, 'map-canvas');
Use this method to get the location from the user's IP.
geolocator.locateByIP( successCallback, [errorCallback], [ipSourceIndex], [mapCanvasId] )
Function A callback function to be executed when the location is successfully fetched. The recentgeolocator.location
object is passed to this callback, as the only argument.
Function (optional, default:null
) A callback function to be executed when the location could not be fetched due to an error. The recent error messageString
is passed to this callback, as the only argument.
Integer (optional, default:0
) Indicates the index of the IP geo-lookup service. Valid values:0
String (optional, default:null
) HTML element ID for the Google Maps canvas. If set to null, no map is drawn.
geolocator.locateByIP(onGeoSuccess, onGeoError, 1, 'map-canvas');
Provides the recent geo-location information.
Example Output:
address: {
city: "New York",
country: "United States",
countryCode: "US",
neighborhood: "Williamsburg",
postalCode: "11211",
region: "New York",
street: "Bedford Avenue",
street_number: "285",
town: "Brooklyn"
coords: {
accuracy: 65,
altitude: null,
altitudeAccuracy: null,
heading: null,
latitude: 40.714224,
longitude: -73.961452,
speed: null
map: {
canvas: HTMLDivElement, //DOM element for the map
map: Object, //google.maps.Map
options: Object, //map options
infoWindow: Object, //google.maps.InfoWindow
marker: Object //google.maps.Marker
formattedAddress: "285 Bedford Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11211, USA",
ipGeoSource: null,
timestamp: 1360582737790
###Change Log:
version 1.2.4
- Revision: Source scripts are now automatically removed from DOM after result is received.
- Bug-Fix:
would not be invoked if IP geo-source service is not available. Fixes issue #6. - Revision: Changed default IP source to GeoPlugin (index:
); since FreeGeoIP is occasionally down these days.
version 1.2.1
- Added License.
version 1.2.0
- Code optimizations.
- Now loads the latest release version of Google Maps (3.15).
version 1.1.0
- JSLint compliant code.
- Minor code revisions.
version 0.9.5
- Google has deprecated
API. As a result; Google (Loader) is removed from IP-Geo Sources. - Indexes changed for IP-Geo sources. New Indexes: FreeGeoIP (0), GeoPlugin (1), Wikimedia (2)