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Embedding Transformation

This component allows you to embed tables using OpenAI embedding algorithms with data provided from your KBC project.

  • [TOC]



AI Service Provider: OpenAI

Other options:

  • Column to Embed (embed_column): Specify the column that contains the text data to be embedded.
  • Embedding Model (model): The model that will generate the embeddings. Choose from:
    • text-embedding-3-small
    • text-embedding-3-large
    • text-embedding-ada-002 Learn more.
  • Output Format (output_format): Determines if embeddings will be sent to a zipped Lance file or to a Keboola Table (CSV).
  • Incremental Load (incremental load): If enabled, the table will update instead of being overwritten.
  • Output Table Name (output_table_name)
  • Primary Keys (primary_keys):

Component Configuration Example

Generic configuration

  "#apiKey": "your-openai-api-key",
  "model": "ada_002",
  "embedColumn": "description",
  "outputFormat": "csv"

This configuration uses the ada_002 model to embed the description column and outputs the result in CSV format.

Row configuration

  "embedColumn": "title",
  "destination": {
    "output_table_name": "embedded_table",
    "incremental_load": true,
    "primary_keys": "id"

In this example, the embedding column is set to title, and the results are stored in the embedded_table with incremental loading enabled. The primary key is the id column.


If required, change the local data folder (the CUSTOM_FOLDER placeholder) path to your custom path in the docker-compose.yml file:

  - ./:/code
  - ./CUSTOM_FOLDER:/data

Clone this repository, initialize the workspace, and run the component with the following command:

git clone
cd app-transformation-lanceDB-embeddings
docker-compose build
docker-compose run --rm dev

Run the test suite and lint check using this command:

docker-compose run --rm test


For information about deployment and integration with KBC, please refer to the deployment section of developers documentation.