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Bug Bash 🐛
Bug Bash :bug:
Issue/PR opened by the open-source community
Component: CLI
Component: CLI
Issue/PR that addresses the CLI for Kedro
Component: Configuration
Component: Configuration
Component: DevOps
Component: DevOps
Issue/PR that addresses automation, CI, GitHub setup
Component: DevSetup
Component: DevSetup
Issue/PR that addresses technical setup of the project repository
Component: Documentation 📄
Component: Documentation 📄
Issue/PR for markdown and API documentation
Component: Example code
Component: Example code
Example code creation/publication
Component: Experiment Tracking 🧪
Component: Experiment Tracking :test_tube:
Issue/PR that addresses functionality related to experiment tracking
Component: Framework
Component: Framework
Issue/PR that addresses core framework functionality
Component: IO
Component: IO
Issue/PR addresses data loading/saving/versioning and validation, the DataCatalog and DataSets
Component: Jupyter/IPython
Component: Jupyter/IPython
Issue/PR relevant for Jupyter Notebooks, IPython sessions and the interactive workflow in Kedro
Component: Logging
Component: Logging
Component: Runners
Component: Runners
Component: Testing
Component: Testing
Issue/PR that addresses tests
Pull requests that update a dependency file
Design: Research
Design: Research
develop nightly build
develop nightly build
good first issue
good first issue
Good first issues for beginners
Hackathon ideas
Hackathon ideas
Issue suitable for hacktoberfest
Help Wanted 🙏
Help Wanted :pray:
Contribution task, outside help would be appreciated!
Issue: Bug Report 🐞
Issue: Bug Report 🐞
Bug that needs to be fixed
Issue: Feature Request
Issue: Feature Request
New feature or improvement to existing feature
main nightly build
main nightly build
Issue shouldn't be closed by stale bot
Resolution: Duplicate
Resolution: Duplicate
This is a duplication of an existing issue
Resolution: Not Required
Resolution: Not Required
This task is not required
Resolution: Wontfix
Resolution: Wontfix
This problem or suggestion will not be implemented