For the content of this repository, you need
- Python 3.5+ environment with
- Chainer v5.0.0
- CuPy v5.0.0
- ChainerRL v0.4.0
- marlo v0.0.1.dev23
To follow the instruction below, you need
- Azure subscription
$ pip install azure-cli
$ az login
List up all the subscriptions you have by
$ az account list --all
Then, specify one of them with
$ az account set --subscription [A SUBSCRIPTION ID]
Of cource you need to replace [A SUBSCRIPTION ID]
with a specific ID you want to use.
First, you have to create a resource group:
$ az group create -g marLo-handson -l eastus
Next, let's cerate a data science VM:
$ az vm create \
--resource-group marLo-handson \
--name vm \
--admin-username ${USER} \
--public-ip-address-dns-name ${USER} \
--image microsoft-ads:linux-data-science-vm-ubuntu:linuxdsvmubuntu:latest \
--size Standard_NC6 \
Then, you will see the message like following:
"fqdns": "[YOUR USERNAME]",
"id": "/subscriptions/[YOUR SUBSCRIPTION ID]/resourceGroups/marLo-handson/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/vm",
"location": "eastus",
"macAddress": "AA-BB-CC-DD-EE-FF",
"powerState": "VM running",
"privateIpAddress": "",
"publicIpAddress": "123.456.78.910",
"resourceGroup": "marLo-handson",
"zones": ""
Please do not care some slight differences. All you need is the publicIpAddress
of the created VM.
$ ssh [IP OF THE VM]
Please replace [IP OF THE VM]
with your IP address you can find in the result of the previous step.
On the VM,
$ curl -s -L | sudo apt-key add - \
&& distribution=$(. /etc/os-release;echo $ID$VERSION_ID) \
&& curl -s -L$distribution/nvidia-docker.list | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/nvidia-docker.list \
&& sudo apt-get update \
&& sudo apt-get install -y libopenal-dev
$ conda config --set always_yes yes \
&& conda create python=3.6 --name marlo \
&& conda config --add channels conda-forge \
&& conda activate marlo \
&& conda install -c crowdai malmo matplotlib ipython numpy scipy opencv \
&& pip install git+ \
&& pip install chainer==5.1.0 cupy-cuda92==5.1.0 chainerrl==0.5.0
$ mkdir /anaconda/envs/marlo/Minecraft/run/config \
&& echo 'enabled=false' > /anaconda/envs/marlo/Minecraft/run/config/
$ sudo docker run -it \
-p 5901:5901 \
-p 6901:6901 \
-p 8888:8888 \
-p 10000:10000 \
-e VNC_PW=vncpassword andkram/malmo
Then re-SSH to the server with port forwarding of 6901 like this:
$ ssh [IP OF THE VM] -L 6901:localhost:6901
Then please open this URL with your browser: http://localhost:6901/?password=vncpassword
You'll see the virtual desktop and the Minecraft window in it.
$ conda info -e
# conda environments:
base /anaconda
marlo * /anaconda/envs/marlo
py35 /anaconda/envs/py35
py36 /anaconda/envs/py36
If you do not acitivate marlo
in your environment, please run following command.
$ conda activate marlo
$ git clone
$ cd marlo-handson
$ python
$ wget
$ tar xvzf 88626_except.tar.gz
$ python --demo --load 88626_except --monitor
$ python
$ ls video.mp4
$ python --load 88626_except