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kelkalot edited this page Feb 6, 2019 · 6 revisions


(recent messages from the task organizers will appear here)

February 5th: Wiki for the 2019 ACM Grand Challenge on Medical Multimedia.

Participation in this task involves the following steps:

  1. Design your system on the development data (devset): download the development data and design your approach for the task;

  2. Run your system on the test data (testset): when the test data is released, run your system on the test data.

  3. Receive your evaluation results from the task organizers. Your results will be reported in terms of the official evaluation metric of the task, which you must report in the submission. Make sure that your paper describes exactly the conditions for which you submitted runs in Step 2 above.

Contact your task organizers if you have any questions.

Task schedule

Mai 1, 2019 Test data release
June 20, 2019 Deadline for result submission
July 1, 2019 Results returned to participants
July 8, 2019 Paper submission deadline
August 5, 2019 Acceptance notification

The exact submission dead line is: * July 8, 2019 at 23:59 Baker Island time* (UTC-12,