This project was small subset of the code I wrote for my undergraduate final year software project libgdx-atc-sim.
This is a plugin for the x-plane flight simulator which sends flight data equivalent to what might be present in an ADSB message via sockets over the network to a server capable of receiving the messages.
The original purpose was for this to be used as a realtime, high frequency data source for simulating air traffic control situations and algorithms.
The message format, which uses Google Protocol Buffers can be found in DebugDataFeedServe.proto.
This plugin to be used with Sandy Barbour's python interface for x-plane. See for more info. The version of python required is 2.7, and the protobuf module is required to be installed in your python distribution.
Running x-plane and libgdx-atc-sim connected with each other
A couple of videos are available on YouTube showing this script in operation:
Further description can be found in the project documentation page X-Plane ADSB Output Plugin