Jetpack Compose is a modern toolkit for building native Android UI. It simplifies and accelerates UI development on Android with less code, powerful tools, and intuitive Kotlin APIs.
Clean Architecture promotes separation of concerns and model-view-presenter (MVP) structure, enabling scalable, maintainable, and testable code. This architecture ensures that the app's core logic is independent of UI and framework dependencies.
- MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) provides a clear separation of concerns in app development, enhancing testability and maintainability by binding the UI components to your business logic through observable data.
- MVI (Model-View-Intent) is an architectural pattern that utilizes unidirectional data flow, state management, and intent-driven user interactions.
Paging 3 library handles data paging, ensuring smooth data loading in your applications. It is built to integrate seamlessly with Jetpack Compose and supports features like data layers separation, loading states, and error handling.
Retrofit is a type-safe HTTP client for Android and Java. It simplifies network requests by turning your HTTP API into a Java interface, providing easy-to-use and highly efficient request handling.
Room is an abstraction layer over SQLite designed to enhance database access while harnessing the full power of SQLite. It ensures robust database handling with compile-time checks of SQL queries.
DataStore is a data storage solution that uses Kotlin coroutines and Flow to store data asynchronously, safely, and consistently. It is a modern replacement for SharedPreferences.
Dagger Hilt provides a standard way to incorporate Dagger dependency injection into an Android application. It simplifies the management of application dependencies and is fully compatible with Jetpack components.