var schema = require('boolean-json-schema')
The package exports a JSON Schema:
var ajv = new (require('ajv'))()
var assert = require('assert')
You will need a compatible library, like Ajv, to validate objects:
var validBooleanJSON = ajv.compile(schema)
The simplest valid expression is just a variable name:
The syntax is very minimal. The schema permits negation, conjunction, disjunction, and arbitrary combinations:
assert(validBooleanJSON({not: 'x'}))
assert(validBooleanJSON({and: ['x', 'y']}))
assert(validBooleanJSON({or: ['x', 'y']}))
assert(validBooleanJSON({and: [{or: ['x', 'y']}, {not: 'z'}]}))
Conjunctions and disjunctions must have at least two operands:
assert(validBooleanJSON({and: ['x']}) === false)
assert(validBooleanJSON({and: ['x', 'y', 'z']}) === true)
assert(validBooleanJSON({or: ['x']}) === false)
assert(validBooleanJSON({or: ['x', 'y', 'z']}) === true)