Windows application to remove personal informations from Office files
Download the latest zip file from Releases and unzip it.
Run "OfficeWhitener.exe" and drop the files in which you want to remove personal informations into the window.
- Removes personal informations from Microsoft Office files.
- Sets the flag to remove personal informations whenever the file is saved.
- Word file (*.docx, *.docm)
- Excel file (*.xlsx, *.xlsm)
- PowerPoint (*.pptx, *.pptm)
Unfortunately, it does NOT work with legacy format files such as *.doc, *.xls or *.ppt.
- Total time (TotalTime)
- Company
- Creator name (creator)
- Last time modified (lastModifiedBy)
- Title (title)
- Abosolute path (absPath)
- Last printed time (lastPrinted)
- Revision (revision)