A blockchain-based To-Do SPA based on the truffle suite to experiment with Ethereum smart contracts
- Ganache - application to run a ethereum network on the localhost
- MetaMask - browser extension to communicate with ethereum networks
- Start Ganache with the default settings
- Start the browser with the activated MetaMask extension and select "Custom RPC" in the networks dropdown. Add Ganache's RPC Server to the "New RPC URL" field. Save and confirm
- Import any account from ganache in MetaMask using the private key
- Align truffle.js with Ganache's RPC Server settings
- Install the package and open the SPA interface under http://localhost:1234 when the installation is done
npm install
- Ganache is a ethereum Implementation designed for developers that runs locally on your machine
- The application copiles the smart contracts to ethereum virtual machine bytecode and deploys it to Ganache's test network (contract calls under "transactions")
- Truffle translates the smart contracts to javascript accessible methods that are called by the web application
- Metamask provides the SPA with web3.js - a javascript interface to communicate to Ganache's Ethereum RPC endpoint that is used by truffle to pass the method calls to the ethereum network