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fb-bot-framework is a quick chatbot framework for Facebook Messenger Platform. This framework allows you to quickly setup your chatbot on your local machine with minimal configuration and quick installation.

fb-bot-framework is originally developed by Kepler team and leverage it for many client POC and chatbot projects. The intent was to create a chatbot framework on top of facebook messenger platform and support easy and quick integration of database like Firebase and NPL engines like WIT.

Table of Contents


  • Facebook Page
  • Facebook Application ID
  • Node server should pre-installed globally on your computer
  • WIT account API
  • Firebase account API


  • Inbuilt template manager as per Facebook messenger platform
  • Configuration driven including database and NLP settings and different APIs
  • Response handler, which handles all kinds of request i.e text, payload, attachment and geo-locations sent by Facebook API
  • Service layer to handle application logic and integration with chatbot service
  • Node driven environment
  • JSON loader to accept content from dummy JSON file or database
  • Session handling (respond to multiple request at the same time)


Kindly follow below steps thoroughly and install all mandatory softwares and node packages as dependencies.


We need to download and install some quick software before dig & dive into source code

Facebook Page

A facebook page provides you a platform where you can advertise and promote product. It also provide you one button which helps you to connect to your end users.

Facebook App

In facebook terminology we have just setup facebook SDK, which can be used for multi purposes. In our case we are going to leverage it for chatbot with web.

  • Go to or click on Register button and register for app
  • Enter application name botDemo and click on Create New Facebook App ID button
  • Choose display name, email and category Apps for Messenger
  • Pass your captcha information, if system ask

Node Server

You also need to setup a node server on your localhost, which is responsible to handle and respond all the client/user requests. This server will act as a webhook or callback handler to Facebook API.


You also need to setup a secure tunnel to your localhost server. Ngrok is a tool that allows you to easily expose your localhost server to the outside world. Make sure your firewall won’t block this.

  • Download ngrok -, extract your setup and go inside the folder
  • Open command prompt and run ngrok http 8080, this will create one random https tunnel for you and you don’t require any online hosting to test your application.
  • Copy randomly generated https URL to Facebook webhook page, once your app is ready (Later Step)
  • As per below screen, it is

WIT API makes it easy for developers to build applications and devices that you can talk or text to. It helps you to process natural languages.

  • Go to WIT.AI
  • Create your developer account using Github or Facebook, else login
  • Click on icon on top right panel, and enter your app name botDemo
  • Click on Import your app from a backup before create app button (To save our time, we have dummy stories ready for Restaurant application)
  • Go to Chatbot source code and select file. (This will import all dummy stories, entities and actions` required for restaurant Chatbot application.

Google Firebase

Firebase will be leverage as database for this chatbot. This database will save user chat history and questions that a bot will ask to end user.

Platform Packages

We must need below node platform packages

  "dependencies": {
    "body-parser": "^1.15.1",
    "express": "^4.13.4",
    "firebase": "^3.6.10",
    "firebase-admin": "^4.1.1",
    "fs": "0.0.2",
    "http": "0.0.0",
    "https": "^1.0.0",
    "jsonfile": "^2.3.1",
    "node-wit": "1.0.0",
    "promise": "^7.1.1",
    "request": "^2.72.0",
    "serve-static": "^1.10.2",
    "underscore": "latest",
    "wit-js": "0.0.1"


Generate Application Token

  • Go to and Select your application Messenger
  • Look for messenger tab in left panel and click
  • Go to Token generation section and select your application
  • Select your page, allow access to your page and you will get a new token
  • Copy this token to bot-config.js file, available in source code root folder Webhooks
  • Click on Add Product button and get started Webhooks

Setup Webhook

  • Go to or webhook section in left panel
  • Click on New subscription button and select page from drop-down list.
  • Go to ngrok and copy dynamically created https url like https://<your ngrok url>/webhook (Note : followed by /webhook string)
  • Go to source code and copy verifyToken value from there and paste it in to popup, which is asking for verify token
  • Select messaging and messaging_postback options from the list, Click on verify and save button
  • Now, go to Messenger tab and look for webhooks. Select your page from dropdown and click on Register button

Configure WIT Token

  • Go to
  • Select your application and click on Settings tab on top right panel
  • Look for API details section
  • Copy your server action token, as selected below
  • Paste it to your source code configuration file, named as bot-config.js with key name witToken.

Configure Firebase

  • Go to and select your application, Click on "Add Firebase to your web app"
  • Copy your config properties object and paste in to framework config file, name as bot-config.js file
  • Now, click on settings icon on the left and select "project settings"
  • Select "Service accounts" tab, Click on "Generate new private key"
  • Copy main object from download key file and replace with "Firebase->serviceAccount" object exist in framework bot-config.js file
  • Firebase will be leverage as database for this chatbot. This database will save user chat history and questions that a bot will ask to end user.


  • Go to Facebook page or messenger -
  • Copy your page id and search in messenger chat window
  • Or you can Click on your Facebook page message button and start your conversation, but as a third person.

Source Code Overview

Package JSON File

Package JSON file is used to define all the required dependancies and dev-dependancies, if any. Make sure that all these modules should be available before running your node server.

  "name": "botdemo",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "description": "",
  "main": "server.js",
  "dependencies": {
    "body-parser": "^1.15.1",
    "express": "^4.13.4",
    "firebase": "^3.6.10",
    "firebase-admin": "^4.1.1",
    "fs": "0.0.2",
    "http": "0.0.0",
    "https": "^1.0.0",
    "jsonfile": "^2.3.1",
    "node-wit": "1.0.0",
    "promise": "^7.1.1",
    "request": "^2.72.0",
    "serve-static": "^1.10.2",
    "underscore": "latest",
    "wit-js": "0.0.1"
  "devDependencies": {},
  "scripts": {
    "start": "node server.js"
  "author": "",
  "license": "ISC"

Server Configuration

The configuration file contains all the api keys and access tokens including WIT, Facebook, Firebase and other services. You need to set following key items in your configuration file.

    accessToken: "<Your Facebook Token>", //Get your token from facebook app page

    witToken: "<Your WIT Token>", //get your token from WIT API

    port: 8080, //Set port for ngrok tunnel 

    ssl: { //This need to be enabled for production use 
        key: "",
        cert: "",
        ca: ""

    isFirebaseDB : false, //Default value is set to false (No data will be save to Firebase, till the value is true) 

    verifyToken: "botdemo", //it can any string you want, but should match to facebook webhook token 

    listenPort: 443, //set your node server port 

    //Set default messages 
    defaultAuthMsg: "User not authorized, kindly try again with different credentials.",
    defaultQueryMsg: "Will be glad to help you. Kindly write to us",
    //firebase API token, get it from Firebase application 
    firebase : {
        apiKey: "<Your firebase api key>",
        authDomain: "<Domain name>",
        databaseURL: "<Database url>",
        storageBucket: "<Storage key>",
        messagingSenderId: "<Sender id>",
        serviceAccount : {

        } //Firebase private key

    //chatbot key mapping (Mapping between user response and next questions to ask from end user) 
    keyMapped: {
        "make_reservation": "select_restaurant",
        "select_restaurant": "no_of_people",
        "no_of_people": "day_and_time",
        "day_and_time": "reservation_length",


server.js file is the main file, which runs immediately whenever you execute npm start or node server or node server.js Below are the responsibilities of this node server.

  • Loads all the node server project dependencies
  • Pre-load all set of trained questions from JSON file or real-time database (Firebase), depends on your framework configurations
  • Responsible to handle all user requests received through Facebook webhooks
  • Get user profile information from Facebook API if user is new to chatbot
  • Create node server instance on specified system port as configured by developer.

Response Handler

Response handler is a helper file, which handles most important work flow of the application framework. Below are the roles and responsibilities of this helper file.

Handle Auto Replies

autoReply function is responsible to prepare quick auto reply template with upcoming question. It takes three patameters text as message which received, userObj as user session object and responseList as an array of pre-trained question list to ask.

  autoReply: function(text, userObj, responseList) {

Handle Message Type

There are many types of messages Facebook API provides, which includes response type such as messages and messages_postback.

  • Messages: Messages are normal text messages respond by Facebook API
  • Messages Postback: These are postback messages. When you provide option list to end user, for ex: your chatbot asked end user to select any of the option from the list. Here postback_1 and postback_2 will receive as message to your server.
    "type": "postback",
    "title": "Option 1",
    "payload": "option_1"
    "type": "postback",
    "title": "Option 2",
    "payload": "option_2"

Handle Application Flow

This handler also takes care of preparing next question for user upon response from previous question. And fetch restaurant and meal details from user session object. Below function requires these parameters to decide next operation of application flow

  • responseList - List of pre-trained data or questions
  • userObj - User session object
  • mappedkey - Key of next questions to ask
  • key - Current question key
  • answer - Answer to be provided
    sendNextQuestion: function(responseList, userObj, mappedkey, key,answer) {

Template Manager

Template manager is responsible to handle all kinds of Facebook Messanger Platform driven templates. Many of these templates are already covered in template manager. Have a look at the list below. Other new templates will integrate over time.

  • Normal text template - Ex :- (Hi)
  • Option list template - Ex :- (Colors: ["Option 1", "Option 2"])
  • Receipt template - Ex: - (You order has been confirmed details including any picture and other highligted text)
  • Generic template
  • Caraousel template - Ex :- (Burgers: [{name:"Pizza burger",image:'pizza.jpg'},{name:"Cheese burger",image:'cheese.jpg'}])
  • Quick reply template - Ex :- (Colors: ["Red", "Green","Blue"])

All you have to call the right template and send the right data in right format. Here is preview of template manager file:

    getTmplOptionList: function(data) {
        var tmpl,
            list = [];

        for (var i = 0; i < data.options.length; i++) {
            var _obj = {
                "type": "postback",
                "title": data.options[i].name,
                "payload": data.options[i].id


        tmpl = {
            "attachment": {
                "type": "template",
                "payload": {
                    "template_type": "button",
                    "text": data.response,
                    "buttons": list
        return tmpl;

Here is an example to call your specific template with below data:

let data = [{id : 1,name:"Pizza burger",image:'pizza.jpg'},{id : 2,name:"Cheese burger",image:'cheese.jpg'}]

Database Helper

Database helper is responsible to create a connection to Firebase. It also fetches all the initial pre-trained data list and save user chat history to realtime Firebase database. This helper always look for isFirebaseDB key in configuration file, which decide whether the data needs to be save or not.

Read data from Firebase

This is how we fetch the data from firebase database. First create an intance from super class and then create a reference to the table.

    var db = firebaseAdmin.database(); //Initialize database object 
    var data = db.ref(); //get database reference 

Update data to Firebase

This is how we first look for the object key which we want to update, if this object key doesn't exist then it's get added to list. .update() method will update the table or selected object key data, whatever data you have passed to it.

    var newPostKey = firebaseAdmin.database().ref().child('chatData').push().key; //get children object from table
    var newChat = {};

    newChat['/chatData/' + newPostKey] = chatData; //set data
    firebaseAdmin.database().ref().update(newChat); //update table

User Session

User session object is designed to manage user session and retain user action history for post processing. A server can have list of active user sessions.

    function User(userId, profile) {
        this.userId = userId; //user if provided by Facebook
        this.status = false;
        this.profile = profile; //store user first name, profile image and other personal information requested by you 
        this.lastQuestion = {}; //last question that system had asked 
        this.chatData = {}, //save user chat history 
        this.lastQuestionKey = ''; //store key of last selected question
        this.selectedRestaurantName = ''; //store last selected restaurant name by user   
        this.selectedRestaurantImage = ''; //store last selected restaurant image by user
        this.selectedDay = ''; //store last selected day to visit restaurant by user

WIT Default Intents

This framework have a default NLP engine data, in our case its WIT data. Which contains all the entities, which further contains intents, actions,expressions and their stories. For ex:-

Story - Intent
What is Sapient? - sapient
SapientNitro - sapient 
Sapient Razorfish - sapient 

Note: Every NLP engine have their own algorithm or ways to train their system. In case of WIT, they rely on story based mechanism. For more information checkout

Firebase Default Database

This framework provides one dummy JSON object, which can be used to quickly import it to your Firebase database. This object contains mainly two mandatory objects.

  • questions - List of set of questions to ask from end user.
  • chatData - User chat history to save to database.
    "questions": [{
        "response": "Hi <user>, I am Restaurant Bot. How can I help you today?",
        "key": "welcome_greeting",
        "tType": "text",
        "options": []
    }, {
        "response": "Please select an option to start with.",
        "key": "select_menu",
        "tType": "optionList",
        "options": [{
            "id": "see_menu",
            "name": "See Menu"
        }, {
            "id": "make_reservation",
            "name": "Make a Reservation"
        }, {
            "id": "order_takeout",
            "name": "Order Takeout"
    "chatData": []

Unsubscribe Your Chatbot

To unsubscribe your page immediately, just go to the application page and unsubsribe your page under messenger tab and webhook section.

Known Issues

We don't find any issues as of now, but we'll be glad in case anyone find any issue and update us via email

Reaching Out

Doing anything interesting with chatbot or want to share your favorite tips and tricks? Feel free to reach out with ideas for features or requests.


This project is not supported nor maintained by Facebook Messenger Platform.


No description, website, or topics provided.







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