I'm an Android Developer from Turkey who loves building modern mobile apps with Kotlin and the latest Android technologies.
- 🔭 Focus: I specialize in Android development, building feature-rich apps with Jetpack Compose, MVVM, and Clean Architecture.
- 🌱 Learning: I'm constantly enhancing my skills in advanced Android patterns and performance optimization.
- 💡 Side Projects: I occasionally explore Flutter, NodeJS, and Unity projects to broaden my technical horizons.
- 📫 Contact: dev.kerimbora@gmail.com
- 🌐 Website: kerimbr.com
Languages & Frameworks:
- KotNews: A robust news tracking Android app built with Kotlin and designed using MVVM Clean Architecture.
- RJGames-Jetpack-Compose-Rawg.io-API: An Android application demonstrating the power of Jetpack Compose integrated with the Rawg.io API for an immersive gaming experience.
- ComposeDex: A modern Pokedex app that leverages Jetpack Compose, Hilt, and Coroutines to deliver a smooth, responsive UI.
- Jetpack Compose Material Design 3: Floating Action Buttons (FAB)
- Jetpack Compose Material Design 3: Bottom Sheets
- Jetpack Compose Material Design 3: Common Buttons
- Compose Uygulamalarında Performans Artışı: Baseline Profile Rehberi
- Jetpack Compose Basics Network Image Loading
- Android Custom Keyboard: Uygulamalardaki Gizli Tehlike ve Keylogger Riski ️
- Jetpack Compose Basic Navigation
- Jetpack Compose’ da CompositionLocal Kullanımı: Bileşenler Arası Veri Paylaşımı (Provider Pattern)
- Jetpack Compose’ da Side-Effects: Uygulamanızı Etkileşimli Hale Getirin
- Kotlin Coroutines: Android Asenkron Programlama Dünyasına Hızlı Bir Giriş