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Configuration screen

Kerudion edited this page Apr 16, 2023 · 4 revisions


1. Controls if the mod is enabled.
2. Controls if you'll be notified about mod updates when entering the game.
3. Shows or hides this Screenshot 2023-04-16 at 12 00 39 button in "Options" which will open mod configuration menu.
4. Enables or disabled chunk fading (more details in "Fading" section)
5. Changes type of fading animation (more details in "Fading" section)
6. Changes fade animation time (measured in seconds, approximately)
7. Enables or disables chunk motion animation (more details in "Motion" section)
8. Changes motion animation curve (more details in "Motion" section)
9. Changes Y coordinate, from which chunk will move up until animation stops.
10. Allows or disallows for chunks to animate near you (more details in "Motion" section)
11. Changes motion animation time (measured in seconds, approximately)
12, 13, 14. Resets slider to the left to default value.
15. Closes configuration menu. You can open this menu in 2 ways:

  • If ModMenu is installed, you can open it by pressing this button in "Mods" menu.
    Screenshot 2023-04-16 at 14 18 08
  • If "Show mod button in settings" is enabled or ModMenu is not installed, you can open it by pressing this button in "Options" menu.
    Screenshot 2023-04-16 at 14 17 38

Important note: GIFs may need time to load!


Fading animation will make chunks appear(fade) in a smooth manner. Currently, there are two types of fading:

  • Full
  • Lined


Motion animation will make chunks appear and move up smoothly from below. Works well in combination with fading animation. Easing curves will change the look and feeling of animation.

  • Ease out
  • Ease circular
  • Bounce
  • Linear
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