An easy to use, understand and extend Vehicle Routing Problem Environment build with underlying OpenAI Gym architecture. VRP-Gym provides several variants of the Problem including:
- Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP)
- Default VRP (Start on Depot and have to return to it)
- Inventory Routing Problem (Vehicle is responsible for satisfying the demands in each delivery point)
The code can be easily extended to support other variants of the VRP Problem. We also provide a state of the art attention based graph agent based on ATTENTION, LEARN TO SOLVE ROUTING PROBLEMS! and a random decision based agent. We evaluated the attention agent against the random agent on all three variant environments. The visualized results of the training and evaluation statistics can be found in notebooks/results.ipynb
or in the images
To install the required packages we recommend using Conda. Our used environment can be easily installed with conda.
- Clone the repo
git clone
- Install conda environment
conda env create -f environment.yml
- Activate the environment
conda activate gym_vrp
- Go to the project directory and run
pytest tests/
To initialize an vrp environment and train an agent you just need a few lines of code. Suppose you want to train the attention agent on the IRP problem:
from gym_vrp.envs import VRPEnv
from agents import VRPAgent
# Init the environment
env = VRPEnv(num_nodes=20, batch_size=512)
# Init the agent
agent = VRPAgent()
# Start training
The agent will save his progress every 50 epochs in a directory called check_points
For more advanced usage and architecture insights you can look at the docs.
To reproduce our results just run the
script inside the environment.
We used several seeds for training and evaluation.
For training seeds and process see
and for evaluation seeds see
NOTE: The models were trained and stored using CUDA, therefore they can only be loaded under CUDA.
We used a Nvidia GTX 1070 TI and 16GB RAM to evaluate the agent on our envs.
The above script will call the
file with different environments.
For the py file different arguments can be provided when used to evaluate a model, which are default set to the ones we used to evaluate our implementation.
- --seeds: The used seeds for the env generation. Default: [1234, 2468, 2048]
- --batch_size: The used batch size. Default: 256
- --num_nodes: Number of nodes in the evaluation graphs. Default: 20
- --num_draw: Number of graphs that should be included in the video. Default: 3
- --csv_path: Path where the results should be saved: Default: 'reproduction_results.csv'
- --model_path: Path to the train file of the model to evaluate against Random Agent.
- --env_type: The environment variant that should be used. Values: ['TSP', 'VRP', 'IRP']. Default: 'TSP'
This script also produces a video of the evaluated agent, which will be saved in the ./videos