// I have added functions as follows: Extending registering: Check the username whether exists(Ajax-servlet), Check password, Add first,last name,email register. Upload and Change UserPortrait. Commment on (or give a description) to the pictures. Show comment(description). Delete the picture. Change user info. And something else.... //
Instagrim is an example web app using Cassandra as a back end. The app allows picture uploads, creates a thumbnail and a B/W version of the picture, and a simple login.
See Keyspaces.java for a definition of the keyspaces. CassandraHosts manages the connections. The code uses org.imgscalr.Scalr for image manipulation It is a eclipse maven based project.
The code is used as an example for AC32007, School of Computing, Univeristy of Dundee.
It implements the following URL patterns:
/Image/* /Images /Thumb/* /Images/* /Login /Register
Not all work 100% correctly . Some parts of the implementation are missing.
Students are exected to: 1: Understand the code 2: Fix any bugs 3: Add functionality
Some ideas for added functionality you might like to add (not all are simple, you decide what are and which you’d like to try).
1: Extend the registration process and display a profile for users (add “\profile*” for instance)
2: Upload a users picture to the users profile
3: Add image filters. So /alter/filername/* would create a new version of the picture with that filter applied.
4: Allow users to comment on other users pictures. /Image/Comments/* would display the picture with the comments.
This is not a limit to what you could do, use your imagination !